Tuesday 21 April 2015

21st April 1915

Horse embarkation practice via sling, from troopship to pontoon boat, just
prior to departure for the Gallipoli peninsula.

Wednesday 21st April

We did not leave but are still awaiting orders. At dawn the breeze blew in the strength of a gale & the sea was fairly rough even in the Harbour. We have had plenty of rain.

21 ̎

Remained anchored in MUDROS BAY practiced embarking horses + guns in boats etc

Wednesday 21st April 

Very rough this morning. Conference on "Minnewaska" at 9 AM. C.O.s did not reach there till 10. I had an exciting row across in one of our ship boats. The Admiral as well as General Birdwood and Bridges addressed us, and went carefully into the details of our landing. The 3rd Infantry Brigade which is to be the covering force is to land about 4 AM. and carry the position at the point of the bayonet. The main body expects to be disembarked by 8.30, and then my ship is the first to discharge Artillery. If we have anything like luck my Brigade will fire the first Australian Angry Field Artillery round. The 7th Battery is up against it, and I am looking to them to do well. We have received our sailing instructions today, which show that we are to be in our Berth for discharge on the Gallipoli Peninsula Coast near Gaba Tepe at 8.30 AM on Friday 23rd inst.

Later instructions came this afternoon, notifying a postponement of operations till Saturday 24th inst. This is on account of the rough weather, but as sea and wind have now gone down the Admiral may tomorrow revert to his original intention. We are all impatient to be at it. Everybody getting packing done for shore work, and rations for men and horses issued.

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