Sunday 26 October 2014

26th October 1914

Albany Harbour
Monday October 26 1914 - A22

Still at anchor here got our mail today which was bought on from Melb.  Had a feet inspection today and every Monday hence.  We all got a tin of sweets yesterday and they all went very well.  It is blowing and raining here but we dont feel it inside undercover.   I wrote two letters today and it is a job as everybody is arguing.

The H.M.A.S. Melbourne patrolling King George's Sound, taken
from the deck of the A3 Orvieto.

Monday 26th October

"Orvieto" arrived at 8 A M. Other ships arrived during day, so that now only about three transports remain to be accounted for. Work on board ship proceeded as usual, with the exception that gun drill had to be discontinued on account of rain, and for same reason horses on open decks could not be exercised. Very heavy wind and sea and driving rain. Received two long letters from Alvord. Sent off Syllabus of Officers and NCOs of Brigade Training to Bessel-Browne & Waite on board "Medic."(still at Fremantle) Message by wireless from "Orvieto" during evening complaining of use of wireless on three ships between Melbourne and Albany, also of floating boxes, etc. Long message also sent by lamp for practice of whole convoy.
Warned for Conference on 27th inst. I personally read the messages from Captains Chart room. "Orvieto" light very unsatisfactory. Lamp message afterwards repeated by wireless as a check, but was not satisfactorily received on account of atmospheric disturbance and some shore station commencing to send. Sent a lamp message to Major Burgess on Transport "Geelong" enquiring as to health of officers and men. He just commenced a reply but appeared to be cut-off and consequently his message was not completed.

H.M.A.S. Melbourne patrolling the entrance to the Sound.

The whole scene begins to impress one. – the turbulent water, many ships, cruises, etc – all foretelling serious work in the future.

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