Sunday, 20 September 2015

20th September 1915

A shot of Sniper's Ridge, along which a Turkish communication trench ran that
fed the front infantry lines - fired on by the 7th Battery (below).

Monday 20th Sept

A Blowy day & keen.

Sept. 20
(Lieutenant Sydney Francis Hodgens, temporary O/C 7th Battery)

0700 Trenches on slope PLATEAU 400, N.E. of SURPRISE GULLY noticed loopholed + strengthened by sandbag emplacements.  Sq. 68-B.6.

10.15 and 1700 Movement of small bodies of enemy troops back + forward through communication trench near “Boomerang Trench,” GUN RIDGE (Sq 68-R-8)

14.55 No. 3 gun fired 3 rds P.S. at parapet of communication trench E. of SNIPERS RIDGE (Sq. 68-b-6) Range 815x.  Retaliation for enemy gun firing on LONESOME PINE.  Effect – Portion of parapet screening southern end of trench removed.

18.20 No. 3 gun fired 1 rd P.S. at same target as above removing further portion of parapet + enabling movement in trench (through which supports to Turkish firing line pass) to be observed.  Retaliation series.

1830 Small party of enemy troops observed at Sq. 55-K-5.

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