Soldiers carrying equipment for setting up camp at Tel-el-Kebir - tents are in the
background & horses are tethered to the left.
[Courtesy of Australian War Memorial - A03306]
1st January 1916
Another smooth day. We had an escort of Torpedo Boats etc & we were
credited with having 7 Generals on board including 2 Lords. A submarine was
sighted & it created a good deal of excitement but no Torpedo was fired at
us & she got away. It was wonderfully calm. Had good dinner & returned
[Courtesy of State Library of New South Wales - William Sparkes diary]
(Captain Alan Percy Crisp, temporary O/C 7th Battery)
Tel-el-Kebir Lieut Moody with party + 3 guns + limbers marched into camp.
Saturday 1st January 1916
Very close watch kept all day for further submarines but nothing seen. Arrived at Alexandria at 12.30 PM. Anchored in outer anchorage. While at anchor a Mine Layer passed us, bringing in what appeared to be a number of survivors from a wreck. Took several photos. Appended is a copy of Log entry by Capt. Davies R.M.S. Ionic concerning the attempted torpedoeing of his ship:-
"S.S.Ionic Transport – 2186.
At Sea. 31st December 1915.
Submarine Report"
At 9.40 am Lat 34° 11’ N Long 25°11’ E sighted the Periscope of a Submarine abeam on Port Side about 500 feet away. We immediately put the helm hard a port and brought the submarine right astern. As the ship was swinging the submarine fired a Torpedo, but passed astern missing the ship by about 100 feet, the same being visible for a considerable distance after missing the ship. Lost sight of the Submarine periscope after bringing her astern. Signal given for all hands Boat Stations, everybody being at their Stations in 3 minutes. Signalled engines to utmost speed and kept submarine astern. At 10.40 AM dismissed boat Stations. Extra men in stokeholds up till noon.
Extra armed guards posted fore and aft until sunset.
(Signed) J. Davies
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