Saturday, 16 January 2016

16th January 1916

The Continental Hotel in Cairo - Col. Rosenthal's accommodation for the night.
[Courtesy of Cairo Observer]

Sunday 16th January

Church parade in morning. Very good turn out. Saw Major Lucas re Command of 4th Battery. He came down to see General Chauvel about it today but got very little satisfaction. He is to come down again on Tuesday next. Went up to Cairo. Major Lucas and Lt Col Cox Taylor in the train. The latter is commanding the D.A.C. 2nd Division. Stayed at Continental Hotel. Saw General Spence re Lt Richardson’s case. Arranged to see him at H Qrs. tomorrow. Talked with Rabett till 12.30 PM.

1639 Corporal Duncan Fraser
(7th Battery, 3rd Field Artillery Brigade)

Corporal Fraser, 7th Battery, 3rd Brigade, A.F.A., formerly a member of the Brisbane Caledonian Pipe Band, in a letter from Alexandria, Egypt, to Mr. Finlayson, M.P., remarks:-

"Many, many thanks for your very kind letters. I heard about the poetry being in 'The Dally Standard,' although I did not see it myself. I am in Alexandria on a special duty at present, and I can tell you that I am enjoying a well-earned rest, as I have been on the Peninsula from the very start till the finish. We had only a three weeks' spell in Lemnos, and I am very lucky to be here now, I can assure you. Give my very best respects to all who may be asking for me, and say that I am just as fit as ever, and intend to fight to a finish. It is pretty hard lines having to give up the Peninsula, but better heads than ours thought the thing out, and I don't think any one is sorry over it. I can say that the Turk was not sorry either."  

Published in the Daily Standard, on the 10 March 1916.
[Courtesy of National Library of Australia - TROVE]

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