Tel-el-Kebir, the Australian Camp in Egypt reached by Captain Crisp & the first members
of the 7th Battery on the 28th December.
[Courtesy of Australian War Memorial - H13851]
28th Dec
Felt much better. Saw Jack Fowles unloading stores from Wagon. A lot of
Egyptians left here to-day. I must say my regard for the Australian Aboriginal
has greatly improved since coming into contact with the lower order of the
Egyptian race. The character & cleanliness of the Australian Native bears
more than favourable comparison. It may be that our natives living in (The scenarios of the world) the roughness of nature are more
of nature’s children whereas the Egyptian is the one contaminated by the ages
& especially now amidst modern surroundings. We are still waiting for
orders to sift from this Island of Lemnos. There has again been rumours of
Submarines at work.
[Courtesy of State Library of New South Wales - William Sparkes diary]
(Captain Alan Percy Crisp, temporary O/C 7th Battery)
0400 Tel-el-Kebir Copl Crisp with 1 N.C.O. + 4 men were first of Battery to arrive here.
2100 Lt. Urquhart with 119 horses + 112 other ranks joined the Battery from Cairo.
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