Saturday, 12 December 2015

12th December 1915

The beach at Anzac, December 1915.

Sunday 12th Dec

This morning I had everything cleared up.

S. McDuley
340 Cathcart Road
Govan Hill
Known as Sam Lowlands

Tennyson said
Dead sounds at night come from the inmost hill,
Like footsteps upon wool

I went down & seen Olly late in the evening – Coming back I was challenged by 2 sentries on beach. I was dodging along the bank to get cover from “Beachy" – who was sweeping the roadway with shell fire. The sentries thought I was up to some move & they hopped out very quickly & had 2 rifles pointing at me. I took it as a joke & when questioned they were assured & explained that Turks were likely to come on Beach with Boats to get information etc.

Everything seems to point to an evacuation of our present position here. Arrangements are being made to get goods away etc.

Nov 12
(Captain Alan Percy Crisp, temporary O/C 7th Battery)

Lt. Ross + 2 men evacuated to hospital.

The Battery did not fire.  One man rejoined Battery.

(Major Francis Augustus Hughes, temporary O/C 3rd Field Artillery Brigade)

0700 Unlocated enemy gun, suspected to be in vicinity of Square 56-A fired towards beach at intervals until 0930.

1005 Enemy gun unlocated from direction of ANDERSONS KNOLL firing on Right Flank.

1245 Enemy gun from direction of CEMENT EMPLACEMENTS firing towards CLARKES GULLY.

1350 Enemy gun from direction of  68-W-1 unlocated, firing over F.C.O.

1420 Heavy enemy gun from left fired towards MC,KAYS HILL and 17th Siege Bty retaliated on enemy trenches.  This was followed by fire from a number of enemy guns, whose shells were principally falling on left of F.C.O.

Those guns noted were, 75m from Northern Sec WINE GLASS firing only one round, to which Heavy Btys retaliated Enemy Gully Gun at 88-W-1, which 8th Bty engaged.

Unlocated enemy gun from left of ANDERSONS KNOLL firing on to Right Flank trenches.  Another unlocated enemy gun from OLIVE GROVE firing towards beach, and another firing from direction of CEMENT EMPLACEMENTS firing at 8th Bty.  A heavy gun later fired on ships and towards ANZAC BEACH, unlocated.

Amongst other works lately constructed round our Right flank an apparent gun emplacement was noticed on HARRIS RIDGE 68-L-8-9.  This was demolished by 8th Bty at 1425.

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