Wednesday, 4 November 2015

4th November 1915

A group of bakers at the 1st Australian Field Bakery on Imbros, likely visited by Will Sparkes
in his endeavours to secure supplies for the men of the 7th Battery back at Gallipoli (below).

Thursday 4th Nov 1915

Did further buying to-day and managed to secure a few more items. It looked like rain & QMS Maclaren who I had chumed in with decided to leave next day by trawler but I was inclined to stay another day. How I am to get all my cases away I don’t know. The task for one man is an impossible one but those that can do the impossible are the ones required in this great campaign to lead.

(Captain Alan Percy Crisp, temporary O/C 7th Battery)

The Battery did not fire.  Lieut Moody transferred from attached to this Battery to Heavy Battery.  One man sent sick to Hospital.

(Major Francis Augustus Hughes, temporary O/C 3rd Field Artillery Brigade)

1535 Party of men this side of ALMOND GROVE.

1555 Gun from OLIVE GROVE firing over this position.

1623 Gun from Right of WINE GLASS RIDGE firing on 7th.Battery.  9th Battery engaged same.

1705 Gun from direction of SCRUBBY KNOLL firing on TRENCHES in front of F.C.O.

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