Tuesday, 24 November 2015

23rd November 1915

A view of General Headquarters on Imbros, visited by Will Sparkes (below).

Tuesday 23rd Nov

I slept a little better last night. It was more comfortable & the wind had abated a little. I did not rise early & Sergt Smith discovered that there was no tea for Breakfast as no water was available. Imagine this in a supposed rest camp. We had no recourse but to visit the Cocoa Shop & get a cup of hot colored water & a bun. After this Smith & I took a walk round to general Head Quarters – a place where the Generals reside – It was up in a lovely little nook in the rocky Hills. The rocks were all colored & interspersed with green shrubs the appearance was fine. Everything looked comfortable – Tents – Hats & other conveniences. I saw some of the Surrey Yeomanry chaps who came over on the “Southland" when I returned to the front after being wounded. After a chat we walked a few miles to the aerodrome & saw the celebrated Samsons air ship – a converted Seaplane. Had talks with mechanics & enquired for Capt Jopp & found he was over at No 3 Wing on the other side of harbour. Retd to Camp & had dinner of Salmon & cabbage. It tasted like lobster when mashed together & I can recommend it.

(Captain Alan Percy Crisp, temporary O/C 7th Battery)

2030 No 1 Gun fired 2 rounds from alternative pit at trench mortar on LONE PINE Square 68-B-6 + succeeded in silencing it.  These rounds were fired on request received from F.C.O. at LONE PINE.

(Major Francis Augustus Hughes, temporary O/C 3rd Field Artillery Brigade)

0943 Enemy Gun from OLIVE GROVE fired towards BEACH position unlocated.  8th.Battery retaliated.

1130 Enemy 75.m.m.gun and a small gun from the direction of SCRUBBY KNOLL bombarded LONE PINE AND THE PIMPLE.

1340 8th.Battery fired a series at CEMENT EMPLACEMENTS.

1345 An unlocated enemy gun from OLIVE GROVE fired on BEACH, 8th.and Heavy Batteries retaliated, 8th.Battery fired on TWIN TRENCH KNOLL.

1407 LOWLAND BATTERY fired a few rounds in vicinity of PINE RIDGE TRENCHES.

1428 Small gun from CEMENT EMPLACEMENTS fired on chathams post

1655 Enemy gun from OLIVE GROVE again fired on BEACH and small gun from direction of CEMENT EMPLACEMENTS fired towards CHATHAMS POST, both unlocated.

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