Tuesday, 6 October 2015

6th October 1915

General William Riddell Birdwood, General Officer Commanding, Australian and
New Zealand Army Corps, near Hill 60 on his rounds during the 6th October 1915.

Wednesday 6th Oct 

Several small skirmishes took place but nothing of any importance. Late last evening I awoke by hearing voices outside my dugout store quarters & found our boys who were away resting had come back from Lemnos. It had been rumoured that another batch of men were to go & any one over 3 months of continuous service on the Peninsular was entitled to the holiday. I declined to be included as I was fairly busy with various indents and issues & I decided to wait till the next batch went.

Oct. 6
(Lieutenant Sydney Francis Hodgens, temporary O/C 7th Battery)

1000 Small parties of horsemen observed moving at Sq. 48-N-6.

17.15 Movement observed at “Redoubt” – 47-M-3.

There was little firing from enemy guns on right flank during the day.

(Major Francis Augustus Hughes, temporary O/C 3rd Field Artillery Brigade)

1355 Party of horsemen, cattle and camels moving on road at foot of KILID BAHR going south.

1410 A considerable of dust arising from Gully in rear of RUINS apparently cattle concentrated there.

1430 D.A. advise Heavy Battery engaged this target.

Extremely quiet on RIGHT FLANK To-day.

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