Turkish barbed wire
entanglements, composed of a single thick strand with a barb every
inch, taken in October 1915 - the 7th Battery had spent days attempting to clear similar
entanglements along Plateau 400 using H.E. shells (below).
[Courtesy of Australian War Memorial - G00961]
12th Oct
Nice & crisp to-day. Just refreshing weather.
Nice & crisp to-day. Just refreshing weather.
[Courtesy of State Library of New South Wales - William Sparkes diary]
Oct. 12
(Lieutenant Sydney Francis Hodgens, temporary O/C 7th Battery)0955 No. 3 gun fired 4 rds. P.S. at slope of PLATEAU 400, N. end of SURPRISE GULLY 68-B-6 in retaliation for enemy gun firing on LONESOME PINE . Range 930x. Parapets damaged.
It was observed that wire entanglements damaged on 10th + parapets + entanglements damaged on 11th had been rebuilt.
14.15 Two transport wagons and about 6 loaded camels observed moving S. 48-I-1+2.
1705 to 1725 Retaliation series by No. 3 gun of 1 rds P.S. + 1 HE at same target as engaged at 09.55. Turkish gun replied to No. 3 but did no damage.
19.00 Work on alternative pit continued.
There was considerable amount of firing (rifle fire by Turks) during night of 12/13th as on previous night.
(Major Francis Augustus Hughes, temporary O/C 3rd Field Artillery Brigade)0825 Gun from Left of WINE GLASS
1510 Mule Transport on KILID BAHR ROAD going South.
1555 Transport on KILID BAHR ROAD foing South. This Target was engaged.
1705 WINE GLASS BATTERY opened fire.
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