Saturday, 31 October 2015

31st October 1915

Chatham's Post taken from the ridge above Shell Green (where the 7th Battery were positioned), looking south.  The trenches running to the right were held by Turkish soldiers (down into Poppy Valley).  One of a series of photographs taken at Gallipoli under the direction of Captain C. E. W. Bean of the Australian Historical Mission,
during the months of February & March 1919.

Sunday 31st Oct

Similar duty – Receive instructions that I had to go over to Embros Island to get articles from a Military Canteen there for all the Artillery Brigades in the 1st Division tomorrow.

(Captain Alan Percy Crisp, temporary O/C 7th Battery)

1415 A working party of the enemy about 20 strong was observed in POPPY VALLEY.  The 9th Battery engaged this target Captain Crisp of the 7th Battery observing for them.  Three rounds were fired + the party disappeared.  The 7th Battery did not fire.  It was noticed that the parapets of enemy’s trenches on SNIPERS RIDGE were considerably strengthened during night of 30/31 September October.

(Major Francis Augustus Hughes, temporary O/C 3rd Field Artillery Brigade)

Very thick fog over this position up till 0930 followed by thick haze no movements observed.

1120 Two guns opened fire from OLIVE GROVE direction of fire not observed.

1620 75 m.m.Gun from the direction of SCRUBBY KNOLL firing over this position.

Greater portion of day observation obscured by misty weather.

Friday, 30 October 2015

30th October 1915

Tunneling was a never ending process throughout the Australian positions at Gallipoli,
even for the placement of stores (below).

Saturday 30th Oct

In charge of fatigue Party in digging out place for Store at Headquarters. We had to tunnel into the side of a hill well underground.

(Captain Alan Percy Crisp, temporary O/C 7th Battery)

The Battery did not fire.

(Major Francis Augustus Hughes, temporary O/C 3rd Field Artillery Brigade)

1035 9th.Battery  fired on target on KILID BAHR ROAD.

1050 Gun from direction of RT.SEC. OLIVE GROVE firing on BEACH.

1603 9th.Battery fired at target behind GUN RIDGE.

Extremely quiet on RIGHT FLANK to-day.

Thursday, 29 October 2015

29th October 1915

Dugouts at the Divisional Headquarters and Headquarters Division Artillery.

Friday 29th

Had a meeting of Canteen Committee at Headquarters. Each Battery having a representative present. Lieut Forrest explained scheme as to Purchasing Stores from Embross Island Canteen and an order was drawn up as a first foundation to Store. Each Unit was to subscribe £20-0-0 as a capital to finance scheme & only such articles to be purchased as would benefit the men in adding to present ration.

Oct 29
(Captain Alan Percy Crisp, temporary O/C 7th Battery)

The Battery did not fire.

(Major Francis Augustus Hughes, temporary O/C 3rd Field Artillery Brigade)

0850 Gun from direction of OLIVE GROVE firing on Trawlers.

0900 9th.Battery retaliated on trenches left of TWIN TRENCH KNOLL.

1115 Gun from OLIVE GROVE FIRing on BEACH.

1145 Gun from OLIVE GROVE firing along BEACH.

1150 Gun from direction of SCRUBBY KNOLL firing over this position.

1435 Gun from OLIVE GROVE fired on BEACH 9th.Battery retaliated on TWIN TRENCH KNOLL TRENCHES.

1520 Guns from CENTRE SEC.OLIVE GROVE firing on OLIVE BEACH.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

28th October 1915

Rough seas break near Watson's Pier during a storm on the 28th October 1915.

Thursday 28th Oct

Had a quiet day. Captn Crisp informed me I was chosen by Officers Commanding 3rd Brigade F.A. to take charge of Brigade Canteen it was decided to form. This would mean my being attached to Headquarters.

Last night one of the old limbers which had been broken up by shells was erected up in one of our Gun Pits as a Dummy to draw fire.

(Captain Alan Percy Crisp, temporary O/C 7th Battery)

Quiet.  The Battery did not fire.

(Major Francis Augustus Hughes, temporary O/C 3rd Field Artillery Brigade)

0825 Party of men behind RT.SECOLIVE GROVE.

0950 Men observed going out from behind OLIVE GROVE catching horses.

1135 A number of camels behind WINE GLASS RIDGE going North.

1520 Party of horsemen riding into scrub at the south side of OLD PARADE GROUND.

1535 Gun from the direction of left of GUN RIDGE firing into CLARKS GULLY.

1715 Gun from OLIVE GROVE firing from right of LT.SEC over this position.

1725 Gun from direction of SCRUBBY KNOLL firing on 7th.Battery.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

27th October 1915

Indian mules in very deep shelters dug for them at the Indian Hospital camp, Shrapnel Gully,
October 1915.  These excavations afforded protection from the shells from "Beachy Bill."

Wednesday 27th Oct

It is windy to-day & dusty. There was a big fusilade of shelling before midday. The Turks opened up on us from most of their Batteries.

(Captain Alan Percy Crisp, temporary O/C 7th Battery)

1130 Enemy's artillery opened heavy fire on position occupied by this battery which bombardment continued for about 20 minutes.  The hostile guns were engaged by 9th Battery also 5 inch + 6 inch Howitzers + silenced.  No damage was done to our position.  This Battery did not fire.

(Major Francis Augustus Hughes, temporary O/C 3rd Field Artillery Brigade)

0835 Transport in centre section of KILID BAHR ROAD going south apparently very heavily laden.

0915 Heavy and 9th.Batteries fired on OLIVE GROVE.

1140 Heavy shelling from direction of OLIVE GROVE AND SCRUBBY KNOLL directed on RIGHT FLANK.

Heavy and 9th.Batteries engaged OLIVE GROVE.

Remainder of day passed quietly on RIGHT FLANK.

Monday, 26 October 2015

26th October 1915

Anzac Beaches Area, October 1915. The light railway line used to move stores between
Anzac Cove and North Beach as seen from near Ari Burnu. Note the tents of the
Casualty Clearing Stations and Field Ambulance Units including the largest, in
Reserve Gully, in the middle of the photograph with the Sphinx above and
Walker's Ridge to the left. The original caption reads `Walker's Ridge taken
from Casualty Corner at Gallipoli giving a good idea what our fellows
had to climb'.

Tuesday 26th Oct

Captn Crisp told me to hang on to my position & work in Store at present – the Q.M went into Sergt Major Runcorn’s Dug Out. So far I hardly know my position. Had long chat with Corp ted Coleman. Went to ordnance again & “Beachy" was acting. I had to take refuge in dug out on beach. The Turks seem to have a fresh lot of ammunition now as their guns are more active.

(Captain Alan Percy Crisp, temporary O/C 7th Battery)

The Battery did not fire.

(Major Francis Augustus Hughes, temporary O/C 3rd Field Artillery Brigade)

0100 Gun from OLIVE GROVE firing on BEACH sounding like RT.SEC.


9th.and Heavy Batteries fired in retaliation and warships fired on trenches in rear of GUN RIDGE.

Comparatively quiet on RIGHT FLANK to-day.

Sunday, 25 October 2015

25th October 1915

Panoramic landscape view of the Turkish position at Gallipoli, showing the road to Maidos,
Camel Hill & Wine Glass Ridge (on which the 7th Battery fired) - this work was drawn in
May, & a few weeks later the visible ridges in the work were a mass of Turkish earthworks.

Monday 25th Oct

It was cool to-day. A surprise was in store for me as about midnight I was awakened by voices & found Corp Coleman & QM. Augusteen at my dug out door. They had just come back & were looking for somewhere to bunk. I thought it cool of our QM to wake me up by coming in & striking a match.

(Captain Alan Percy Crisp, temporary O/C 7th Battery)

The Battery did not fire.  Lt. Ross + two other ranks rejoined Battery.

(Major Francis Augustus Hughes, temporary O/C 3rd Field Artillery Brigade)

0957 Party of horsemen to left of ALMOND GROVE going South.

0110 9th.Battery fired on trenches near WINE GLASS TREE.

1715 Gun from OLIVE GROVE RT.SEC. firing on BEACH . Our Batteries retaliated on OLIVE GROVE and enemy trenches.

Men have again been noticed constantly moving moving about position in vicinity of SQ. 38-B & C. 

Instructions were received to spot for 3rd.Battery firing on WINE GLASS BATTERY.  Only one round was fired at this target presumably by 3rd.Battery after which they ceased fire.

Saturday, 24 October 2015

24th October 1915

The British cruiser H.M.S. Endymion, the likely vessel incorrectly referred to as the
H.M.S. Edymontis by Major Hughes below. 

Sunday 24th Oct

End of letters page


It was a nice day & quiet.

(Captain Alan Percy Crisp, temporary O/C 7th Battery)

The Battery did not fire.

(Major Francis Augustus Hughes, temporary O/C 3rd Field Artillery Brigade)

0930 Party of men on KILID BAHR ROAD SOUTH SECT.going North.

1225 Considerable amount of movement on SQ.38-R-- Troops coming and going from there, apparently messengers.

1700 H.M.S.Edymontis engaged target SQ.58-R-- bursts unobserved from F.C.O.

Owing to misty rain observation difficult during part of afternoon.

Friday, 23 October 2015

23rd October 1915

The only canteen at Anzac, established by the YMCA near the tents on the right, photographed
in October 1915 - Will Sparkes repeatedly took advantage of their wares (below).

Saturday 23rd

It fined up to-day a little but still it was overcast & windy. Had a trip to Ordnance & saw Owens of YMCA who run a Canteen Store with goods from Embross Isld. He makes trip to & fro every week. A big crowd was there but I managed to get inside knowing Owens & secured some cakes & tin fish are delicious quite in this region. Going along the beach to Supply about Sundown “Beachy" opened up on our party & sent several shells at us. There was a scramble for shelter on the high banks & we had to hide there for some little time & then venture forth one at a time. It was the number together that attracted the shelling & luckily no one was hit. The scramble on top of my tea rather interfered with my digestion. I saw Captn Brunditt a Brisbane chap I knew well to-day. He is with the 5th Light Horse. Our rations are now wonderfully improved. We get fresh meat & Bread almost every day or two & I often wonder if it is too good to last.

A ration of wood 1 lb per man at present a daily occurrence whereas before we were lucky to get any. There was occasionally an issue about once a month. All the wood has to be brought in as this country is devoid of trees. It is all undergrowth & brushwood holly etc. There was such a scarcity of fuel that we had to resort to grubbing out roots of the shrubs & burn them with the aid of a little piece off a case the rations arrive in.

The other day I managed to secure a few eggs & as our cooks had erected an oven made up a bread pudding – one of my old favourites.

Very cold to-day.

(Captain Alan Percy Crisp, temporary O/C 7th Battery)

The Battery did not fire.

(Major Francis Augustus Hughes, temporary O/C 3rd Field Artillery Brigade)

1040 Heavy and 9th.Batteries firing on WINE GLASS RIDGE no retaliation.

1330 Considerable amount of movement in SQ.38-R--

1340 Mule Transport going North behind WINE GLASS RIDGE.

1350 Party of men working on trench East from WINE GLASS

1717 75.m.m. gun from direction of SCRUBBY KNOLL firing into ALLAH GULLY.

1725 Gun from OLIVE GROVE RT.SEC. firing towards BEACH.

Thursday, 22 October 2015

22nd October 1915

Lieutenant Bertie Lowing of the 4th Brigade, & Lieutenant Wills-Allen (unknown?), outside
a dugout above Shell Green & behind the 7th Battery's position, in October 1915.

Friday 22nd

Wet and windy. Very miserable in the morning but in the afternoon it cleared up a little & I went to Ordnance but got wet coming back as it poured til about ted. Our trip to supply that night was not too pleasant.

(Captain Alan Percy Crisp, temporary O/C 7th Battery)

The Battery did not fire.

(Major Francis Augustus Hughes, temporary O/C 3rd Field Artillery Brigade)

0930 Mule Convoy going North on KILID BAHR ROAD.

1045 Heavy Battery opened in direction of LONE PINE.

1130 Convoy of Mules this side of centre section of KILD BAHR ROAD.

1204 Party of Horsemen moving towards ALMOND GROVE on south side.

1350 Men drilling on OLD PARADE GROUND.

Very quiet on RIGHT FLANK to-day.  Observation during afternoon very difficult owing to heavy conditions.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

21st October 1915

The H.M.S. Grafton, one of the "bulge cruisers" sitting off Gallipoli - Major Hughes makes
reference to the Grafton firing on Turkish positions on the 21st October 1915 (below)
[Courtesy of Gallipoli Association]

Tuesday 21st Oct

Apptd Temporary Corp vice 20th Bliss

It was a crisp nice day. In the morning I was along to Ordnance.

(Captain Alan Percy Crisp, temporary O/C 7th Battery)

The Battery did not fire.

21-10-15. 1900.
(Major Francis Augustus Hughes, temporary O/C 3rd Field Artillery Brigade)

0805 Party of men and horses behind Centre Section of Olive Grove.

0833 Enemy Air-craft going due north.

0835 Heavy and 9th Battery engaged Wine Glass.

1220 Gun from Olive Grove firing on beach consider to be Left Section.

1230 9th Battery fired on Trenches Left of Twin Trench Knoll.

1350 9th Battery fired on Mule Train on Kilid Bahar Road.

1404 About a dozen or more Camels to the Left of North Maidos Road.

1630 Monitor engaged Target of yesterday in Sq 38.R. whilst Grafton ,engaged another target apparently an earth-work on coast east of Monitors target.

1700 9th Battery fired on horsemen on Kilid Bahar Road.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

20th October 1915

A trench on the Razor Back overlooking White Valley, in October 1915.  There were a
few scattered trenches similar to this in the scrub but the Turks seldom attempted to
defend them.  Many of the trenches were well constructed and often hidden with
brushwood.  This material, when dry, turned brown, the result being that a dry,
brown line through the scrub always indicated a trench.

Wednesday 20th Oct

Quiet – except the usual daily shower of Bullets & shells.

Apptd Temporary Corp to-day.

(Captain Alan Percy Crisp, temporary O/C 7th Battery)

1530 No 3 Gun opened fire on a trench mortar pointed out by the 11th Inf Battn on SNIPERS RIDGE – Sq 68-9-8.  26 rounds were fired but owing to the flatness of the Trajectory of the gun the effect was slight.  During the series the enemy’s artillery opened fire on our No. 3 Gun with one gun from GUN RIDGE + the other from the direction of SCRUBBY KNOLL the latter gun doing some damage to our parapets + unless soon located + silenced will cause us some inconvenience.

(Major Francis Augustus Hughes, temporary O/C 3rd Field Artillery Brigade)

0804 Hospital at foot of Kilid Bahr completely removed through the night.

1130 Party of men working on 38 R.

1430 Gun opened from Olive Grove,sounding like Right Section firing on beach.

1530 7th & 9th Batteries firing on Snipers Ridge and Razor Back.

1600 Gun from Right of Left Section of Olive Grove firing towards 9th Battery.

1605 Heavy Battery engaged Olive Grove.

1630 Considerable activity,both horsemen and men moving about 38.R.

During the day a fair amount of work has been done their, a lot of new earth can be seen.Horsemen came their from direction of Achi Baba.

1545 Cruiser fired one round at this target and men were seen about 50-60, running in all directions, also a few horsemen galloped away in the direction of Achi Baba.

Pack horses also are lead to and from this position there appears to be a road from Achi Baba to Kilid Bahr passing this position as men are observed coming from the direction of Achi Baba and going towards Kilid Bahr where they are lost to sight in a sunken road.