Saturday, 4 June 2016

3rd June 1916

The H.M.T. Caledonia, on which Gen. Rosenthal traveled (below).
[Courtesy of Great War Forum]

It was arranged that owing to my hard work at Serapium I was to be relieved of any duty on board and I made the most of the opportunity afforded to me for a rest.

[Will Sparkes' diary entry under the 31st May runs into a couple of
days - for clarity, it has been divided up over the coming entries]

Saturday 3rd June

"Caledonian" moved out about 9 AM. We moved out at eleven, and very glad we are to be in motion and get the breeze for it is an infernally hot day. Our course lay to the north of Crete. Ship very comfortable and sea very smooth. Owing to risk of submarines all ports closed at night to obscure lights and everyone wearing life belts.

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