Monday, 6 July 2015

6th July 1915

Members of the 1st Australian Divisional Signal Company in July 1915, wearing
some of the first consignment of gas masks delivered to Anzac Cove.

Tuesday 6th July 

To-day I was warned that I would be temporarily transferred to another gun in our Battery now in command of Lieut Hodgens.

Spoke to Capt Keith Miller Chaplain 7th L Horse.

(Captain Alan Percy Crisp, temporary O/C 7th Battery)

Battery did not fire.  



Tuesday 6th July 

An exceedingly quiet day. Emplacement for 4.7" gun commenced and 6" Howitzer moved to a new position on Right Flank. Conference with Col Hobbs and Col Johnstone re use of artillery in case of attack by enemy if using asphixiating gas bombs. Decided to leave matter in hands of Brigade Commanders to act as they think best. A little shelling of shipping late this afternoon. Arranged with Engineers re construction of 4.7" roadway. Received late this evening note from Mr Pengelly, enclosing a letter from father and another from John Halford which had gone to Heliopolis Hospital. Also received letter from Nell dated May 11th, enclosing Alvords and Chris’ letters.

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