Tuesday, 31 May 2016

30th May 1916

Lord & Lady Exeter in Egypt, 1916, met by Gen. Rosenthal below.
[Courtesy of Stamford Town Council]

Tuesday 30th May

General straightening up of Camp during day. Had map finished showing our Artillery disposition which I will hand on to Lord Exeter of 237th R.F.A. Bde. With him and Capt. Malleson of 60 pr. Battery interviewed Generals Cox and Ward re permanent position of 60 pr. Battery. No decision arrived at. Left for Cairo by evening train arriving there at 2 AM, two hours late.

29th May 1916

Part of the Infantry defenses on the outskirts of Serapeum, 1916.

Monday 29th May

Final shooting of 10th Brigade. Capt. de Low did very well in his series. Officers from 4th East Anglian Bde. called to make arrangements for Batteries coming in tonight. Arranged for messing of officers with our Brigades.

Two British Battalions moved in this morning to take over from our Infantry. Review in afternoon by Commander in Chief. Very hot day. I turned out nine mounted batteries, and 6 dismounted batteries also D.A.C., about 2000 strong. All made a good showing better than I expected.

Sunday, 29 May 2016

28th May 1916

A British R.F.A. Gun Crew, similar to that of the 4th East Anglian Brigade
mentioned by Gen. Rosenthal below - the next day, the 4th East Anglian
Brigade would be redesignated as the 173rd Brigade R.F.A., coinciding with
their move to Serapeum.
[Courtesy of Invisionzone]

Sunday 28th May

Slept in for a change. No shooting. Also evaded Church Parade. Getting packing done prior to departure. Officers of the 4th East Anglian R.F.A. Brigade called on me. This Brigade is to take over our work in this Sector. Lord Exeter commands. All stayed to lunch, inspected camp site and returned to their position. Received orders for 1st Flight. The 11th Brigade first to move. Capt. Forrest left with Advance Party.

27th May 1916

Defenses along the Suez Canal, opposite Serapeum Camp.

Saturday 27th May

Attended Brigade shoots at 5.30 finishing at 10.30 AM. Planning alteration re Brigade Major. Arranged for Capt. Richards to take over. Wrote final Egyptian letters during afternoon and evening. Inspection of Division ordered for Monday afternoon. Much cooler weather.

Thursday, 26 May 2016

26th May 1916

The Australian Training Camp at Tel-el-Kebir, 1916.

Friday 26th May

Finished up scheme at about 6 AM Pow wow afterwards. Gen. Cox pleased with role played by Artillery. Visited training Depot at Tel el Kebir and so missed Brigade shoot. Work at Depot progressing satisfactorily. Addressed 4th Div Artillery men.

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

25th May 1916

Looking along some of the Serapeum trenches, 1916.

Thursday 25th May

Again Brigade shooting. Howitzer batteries did very well indeed. Resumed attack on Serapeum defences. Conference of all officers with General Cox and we inspected all trenches.

24th May 1916

General Godley, left front holding cane, inspecting New Zealand troops with King George, 1916.
[Courtesy of Stamford Town Council]

Wednesday 24th May

Brigade Shooting again to day. Gen. Godley attended with Generals Gywnne and Nicholl. Gen. Cox also present. All shooting was very creditable and Gen. Godley was so interested that he remained with us 1½ hours. Very unusual for him to pay so much attention to Artillery. He expressed his appreciation of the standard reached under such trying conditions.

Attack scheme on land defences at Serapeum eventuated during the night. Two officers from Artillery assisted me as Chief Umpire. Scheme broken off at 3.30 AM and to resume at some time on Friday morning.

Monday, 23 May 2016

23rd May 1916

Artillery on exercise in Egypt, with sand wheels in place.

May 23rd.

Captain Hordern appointed Adjutant, 2nd. Lieut. Hobson Orderly Officer and 2nd. Lt. Lee to 42nd. Battery.

Tuesday 23rd May

Attended shooting of Brigade at 5.30 AM. General Cox arrived at 7, and waited till 10 watching shooting. He is coming out again tomorrow with the Corps Commander. Shooting generally very good indeed.

22nd May 1916

Looking out across both banks of the Suez Canal, 1916.

Monday 22nd May

Left at 5.30 AM for Road Head by car with the B.G.R.A (Brig. Gen. Short) of 53rd Division, which is to take over our line of defence. Our horses met us at Road Head and we rode along the front line. I indicated to him our gun positions. Met General Cox in afternoon on East bank of Canal re night operations for Wednesday. I am appointed Chief Umpire. Informed we are to leave about 1st or 2nd June.

We shall all be delighted to move out of this Country.

Saturday, 21 May 2016

21st May 1916

The Savoy Hotel Cairo, on the right, which played host to Gen. Rosenthal overnight.
[Courtesy of egy.com]

Sunday 21st May

Did not turn out to breakfast till 9.30. A most enjoyable "lie in". Hotel very cool, the hot spell appears to have passed. Wrote letters during the morning. Left Cairo by 6.15 PM train, arriving at Serapeum about 11 PM. Found a number of back letters on my table. They had been to the 3rd Brigade in France and returned here. Cable received stating Halford’s appointment not approved. Am writing about him.

Friday, 20 May 2016

20th May 1916

The "BARRAGE" - Barrage Bridge & Gardens - in 1916, visited by Gen. Rosenthal (below).
[Courtesy of UQ eSpace]

Saturday 20th May

Did some shopping in the morning. Called to see Major Vernon at ABASSIA Hospital. Car lent me for the day by Capt. Gowing, H Qrs. A.I.F. After lunch I took Mr. and Mrs. Pengalley also the children for a run out to the "BARRAGE", and took a number of photos. It is a very beautiful spot. Had afternoon tea there, returning home at 7 PM Dinner at Continental Hotel. Talked with Mrs. Christian and Mrs. King.

Thursday, 19 May 2016

19th May 1916

A typical scene within one of the Cairo bazaars.
[Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons]

Friday 19th May

Attended shooting at 5 AM. Caught train for Cairo at 9 AM, having arranged for leave till Sunday night. I want to arrange some records at the base and also get some uniforms. Arrived at Cairo at 2 PM Reported to Head Quarters SAVOY Hotel. Found all banks now close (since May 1st) at 12.30 daily. Went to Davies Bazaar and was measured for tunic and cord breeches. Went to bed early.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

18th May 1916

Members of the Light Horse Field Ambulance on exercise in the Egyptian desert,
erecting makeshift shelters in an attempt to stave off the extreme heat, 1916.

Thursday 18th May

Shooting again this morning but I did not feel up to attending. The heat is again as bad as ever, it is real Hell. My hut yesterday at 1 o’clock was 112° and last night at 11 PM it was 98°. Am taking a quiet day.

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

17th May 1916

The H.M.S. Aphis, which arrived off Serapeum in the Suez Canal to fix
observing stations for the artillery shoot (below).
[Courtesy of Naval History Homepage]

Wednesday 17th May

Commenced shooting at 5.15 AM and went on till 11.30. The heat affected me so much that I left at 8.30 and returned to Camp.

Two monitors under Commander Noble arrived during the early morning to fix observing Stations etc. for front line.

Commander Noble and his officers called to see me at 12 o’clock and I went off to lunch with them at 1 PM. The monitors were the "SCARAB" and "APHIS". Being again a terribly hot day I stayed on board and went with him down to his Station in the BITTER LAKE returning to my HQrs. at 7.30 PM. It seemed no cooler on the water than on the land, the wind was scorching, but on the boat they had plenty of ice, so we filled up with iced lime juice and soda, and really delicious it was. They keep a couple of chameleons on board as fly catchers.

Feel very seedy. I think I got a touch of the sun this morning. Received two letters from Nell and one from Chris.

16th May 1916

Looking out across the sun-parched sand from Serapeum Camp, with an
observation blimp overhead, 1916.

Tuesday 16th May

Another day’s shoot, finishing up a little earlier than yesterday – at 12.30. Heat dreadfully trying. I felt quite sick, and cut out one series.

Sunday, 15 May 2016

15th May 1916

Camel train alongside a mostly empty supply train, on the rail line at Romani
just beyond Serapeum Camp, May 1916.

Monday 15th May

Commenced a week’s shooting at 5.30 AM. One battery of each Brigade on each day. Finished up at 1 o’clock. Heat again terrific. Received letters from Nell and Alvord.

Saturday, 14 May 2016

14th May 1916

Chaplains leaving a Church Service at an A.I.F. Camp, 1916.

Sunday 14th May

Another awful day. Did not attend Church Parade, but spoke to all officers and N.C.Os. in the afternoon re our early move to France, discipline etc. Tried to write letters but gave it up in disgust the heat being terrific. Capt. de Low took up duty temporarily as Brigade Major.

Friday, 13 May 2016

13th May 1916

Overlooking Serapeum Camp on the Suez Canal, 1916.
[Courtesy of Flikr]

Saturday 13th May

With General Nicholl at camp during the morning. In the afternoon motored out with him and Capt. Matherson (commanding 60 pr. Battery) to front line to select position for his guns. Major Dangar accompanied us from Rail Head.

Gen. Nicholl returned to Ismailia during evening.

Gen. Cox left on a few days sick leave. Weather terrifically hot.

12th May 1916

As published in The Queenslander Pictorial, 9th December 1916.

Friday 12th May

Excessive heat. HQrs. Coy of Divisional Train arrived. At 6 AM. Gen. Nicholl accompanied me to witness shooting of 12th Brigade. Gen. Cox inspected at 8.30 AM. Batteries of 11th Brigade detailed for Front line mobile work. He expressed his satisfaction. In the afternoon Gen. Nicholl visited Batteries at work. Heavy battery (60 pr.) arrived.

Gen. Nicholl gave me a good deal of information re 1st Anzac he having recently visited them in France when returning to Egypt from leave in England.

Thursday, 12 May 2016

11th May 1916

An armoured car with two transport vehicles proceeding between Egyptian outposts,
18th May 1916, likely similar to that taken by Gen. Rosenthal below.

Thursday 11th May

Left Serapeum East in car at 6.45 AM with Commander in Chief General Murray, Gen. Godley, and Gen. Cox’s staff, he himself being too unwell to attend. Went to North Road Head by car, took horses from there and rode out to GAZELLE HEIGHTS. Here General McCay and staff met the C in C. An exceedingly hot and trying day. I shall be glad to leave this Country.

Received advice from Capt. Collins, High Commissioners Office, of despatch of Medicine chests and military books. F.A.Ts. specially we urgently need. Brig. Gen. Nicholl arrived from Anzac and stayed with me.

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

10th May 1916

A gun carriage & artillery horses, Egypt 1916.

Wednesday 10th May

The 11th Brigade carried out its instructional shoot, commencing at 6 AM promptly. All officers did exceedingly well. Ranges medium and short, and afforded full opportunity for observation of shots. Col. Bernard attended, also Capt. McRae the new G.S.O. II to Division.

Bustled Ordnance re fitting of sand tyres for mobile batteries of 11th Brigade. Gen. Cox very unwell.

Programme of shooting for next week issued.

Monday, 9 May 2016

9th May 1916

The 1st Machine Gun Brigade firing rounds during a practise drill at Serapeum - these
Maxim heavy machine guns have been mounted on Vickers tripods, which have been
reversed to enable the weapon to be elevated for anti-aircraft use.

Tuesday 9th May

Called on General Cox with an officer from 60 pr. Battery, discussed and decided on position. Inspected Anti Air Craft Howitzer and detachment. B.A. column busy on getting ammunition to Front Line , & DAC has now taken over all ammunition from Ordnance. Both units will get a chance to learn something of ammunition supply in the field. Officers from INVERNESSHIRE R.H.A. Battery called. This Battery is doing duty at the Front Line and comes under my orders.

Sunday, 8 May 2016

8th May 1916

A Stokes Mortar fragment sent home to Australia by Brigadier John Monash, with
an accompanying note, "Fragment of Stokes Mortar Bomb which wounded me at
Serapeum on May 8/1916" - Monash, in charge of the Suez Canal Zone defences,
was accidentally wounded by a piece of shrapnel from an Australian Stokes Mortar
grenade on the 8th May 1916, likely as part of the exhibition shoot attended by
Gen. Rosenthal (below). The wound appears to have been slight and did not
require hospitalisation, as there is no mention of the incident in his service record.

Monday 8th May

The 10th Brigade commenced its shoot to day at 6.30 instead of 6 AM as instructed. Targets were too far off and too indistinct for an instructional shoot, consequently full value was not received for the amount of ammunition expended. Col. Bernard (G.S.O.I ) came out to see the shoot, the General not being well. Came over Canal to witness an exhibition shoot from STOKES Trench Mortars. Detachments had not arrived from Ismailia, consequently shoot had to be postponed to 5 PM when a number of officers attended. The demonstration was most interesting and the mortar should prove most effective up in the line with Infantry.

Saturday, 7 May 2016

7th May 1916

Swimming at Serapeum from a makeshift springboard, Serapeum 1916.

Sunday 7th May

Attended Church Parade at 7 AM. Not one of the Brigade or Battery Commanders out with me yesterday turned up to this Parade. Evidently the trip was too much for them. Received advice that a 60 Pd. Battery is to be sent at once to this Division and will come under my orders.

Had a delightful swim this afternoon, and afterwards wrote letters.

6th May 1916

A motorised Caterpillar tractor used to move heavy guns and in the Suez Canal zone, 1916.

Saturday 6th May

With Brigade Commanders left Canal by car at 5 AM. Picked up Battery Commanders at rail Head, and thence rode round the front commencing at Right Flank. Came back to 9th L.H. Camp at Road Head, where Col. Arnott provided us all (25 officers) with tea. We all of course had brought our lunches. During the afternoon we completed the Left Flank. Positions were selected for all guns of all Brigades of this Division. Returned to camp at 7 PM, exceedingly tired. It has been an unbearably hot day.