Saturday, 30 April 2016

30th April 1916

The H.M.S. Russell, a Duncan-class pre-dreadnought Battleship of the British Navy,
played a key role in the evacuation of Gallipoli - on the 27th April 1916, she steamed
into 2 sea mines off the coast of Malta, slowly sinking with the loss of 125 souls (below).
[Courtesy of The Weatherings]

Sunday 30th April

Up at 4 AM. Capt. Tweedie came down from Ismailia with his gunnery officer, Lt. Commander Finnis, & together we rode out to the front line positions & decided on site of Naval Observing Station & route for telephone lines.

Heard to day that Gen. Townsend had capitulated at Kut with 2950 British & 6000 Indian troops. Very sad. H.M.S. Russell mined off Malta. 160 drowned.

The wreck of the H.M.S. Russell continues to be visited to this day - the above is a
screenshot taken as part of U-boat Malta Ltd's "Dark Waters" Expedition in 2015.
[Courtesy of U-boat Malta Ltd]

Friday, 29 April 2016

29th April 1916

One of the larger howitzers (9.2 inch) based in Egypt, 1916.

29th April

Received a batch of letters. Mr Allan on Mooltan

April 29th.

A B.A.C. was formed in the Brigade and Capt Hordern appointed to Command.

The Battery Commanders were allotted as follows:-

41st,Battery       Capt P.J. Ross
42nd.Battery      Capt. S.F. Hodgens
43rd.Battery      Capt. T.W. Garling
44th.Battery       Lieut. G.W. Hall
2nd. Lieut. Hobson appointed Adjutant,
2nd. Lieut. G. Lee appointed Orderly Officer.

Saturday 29th April

Conferred with Gen. Cox on posting of 4.5" Hows. for use in protecting main Infantry camp against aircraft.

Arranged to commence elementary practise next Wednesday, the How. Brigade being first.

Capt. Tweedie RN, HMS. Sir Thomas Picton, called on me re his ships support to this section. Lecture this afternoon by Gen. Cox to all officers.

Thursday, 28 April 2016

28th April 1916

British artillerymen on exercise near Serapeum, 1916.

Friday 28th April

Attended Divisional Manoeuvres this morning in the capacity of Chief Umpire with Gen. Cox’s force. Brigade commanders were employed as Assistant Umpires & did good work. Generally a very instructive morning. Commenced at 5.30 AM & finished at 10 AM.

Huts being completed for DA HQrs. Weather again very hot. Gen. Godley & staff attended operations this morning.

Gen. Cox very unwell.

27th April 1916

One of the defensive trenches surrounding Serapeum, 1916.

Thursday 27th April

Maj. Gen. Smith RFA (EEF HQrs.) made an inspection of equipment of 10th & 11th Brigades. Rather rough on Capt. Paterson, a R.F.A. Territorial officer recently attached. He is to be posted to Christian. Met umpires for tomorrow’s manoeuvres & discussed work generally. Brigade Artillery Commanders are to be present.

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

26th April 1916

Men working in the heat of the desert, moving pontoons at Serapeum.

Wednesday 26th April

A truly dreadful day. Many of our men collapsed as a result of the terrific heat. Gen. Godley inspected Divisional Artillery at 5 PM. His staff accompanied him. He saw all our requirements in equipment etc.

I dined with Col. King & his officers.

Monday, 25 April 2016

25th April 1916

The Prince of Wales (second from left), arriving at Serapeum for the
Anzac Day Sports Carnival.

25th April - Anzac Day

Sports in Canal

Brigade sports &c

The S.S. Suddenjerk, a ramshackle vessel manufactured for the Carnival.

Tuesday 25th April

"Anzac Day". A year ago to day we were engaging in an unique encounter. To day here is actual peace. Church parades & memorial services with all units. A full day’s sports afterwards. Inter Brigade Competitions in the morning, & championship events in the afternoon. General Godley & staff came down from Ismailia & the Prince of Wales from Suez. Generally a very good day. Many quaint water craft were designed & men seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves. I took a few very good pictures. Infantry Band performed for us at night in the Artillery camp. I dined with Col. Waite & his officers.

Spectators watching the S.S. Suddenjerk (above) in action.

Sunday, 24 April 2016

24th April 1916

The 9th Light Horse camp, on the outskirts of Serapeum, 1916.

Monday 24th April

Capt. Forrest & myself left Serapeum at 5.30 AM by car, picked up our horses at Road Head, some 8 miles out towards front line, & reconnoitred all Front line Artillery positions. All existing Infantry works have been absolutely filled in by the sand storms of last week. In fact some works are quite lost to view.

Lunched with Col. Arnott, 9th L.H. Regt. Saw Major Scott, D.S.O., & congratulated him on his recent capture of a Turkish outpost. Came back to camp in car. Called on General Cox at 3.30 re details "Anzac Sports". He informs me the Prince of Wales is to be present & will probably present the trophies. We shall have a busy day.

Saturday, 23 April 2016

23rd April 1916

Local Egyptians in a punt on the Canal looking out over Serapeum, 1916.

Sunday 23rd April

Church Parade at 9 AM. Units not punctual & not a very good muster. Attended to official Correspondence accumulated during my absence, also wrote private letters.

Sent horses out to road Head for reconnaissance tomorrow of Artillery positions.

Friday, 22 April 2016

22nd April 1916

No. 67 light gauge railway petrol engine and wagon no. 256, Serapeum 1916.

Saturday 22nd April

Left Alexandria by 9 AM train & arrived at Serapeum at 3.30 PM. Matters in connection with "Anzac Sports" well advanced, & trophies are ready. Committee has done good work.

Thursday, 21 April 2016

21st April 1916

Egyptians pulling in fish from Aboukir Bay, under the watchful eye of soldiers,
1916 - referred to by Gen. Rosenthal below, Abu Qir (or Aboukir, Abukir) was
the site of the second battle of of the French Campaign in Egypt & Syria in 1801,
in which the British Expeditionary Force took the beach from Nepoleon's Army
despite heavy opposition.
[Courtesy of Flickr]

Friday 21st April

Good Friday – Alexandria very quiet. Called at Ordinance Depot & Base records office. Clerks & records both very satisfactory. In afternoon visited Aboukir Bay famous because of its association with Napoleon & Nelson.

Capt. Hallard & Col. Nicholson who are staying in Alexandria dined with me. Hallard is applying for transfer to 4th Div Arty & I expect will soon receive word approving.

20th April 1916

Camels being loaded with stores at the Railhead, Serapeum.

Thursday 20th April

Waited till 9 AM at Artillery camp for C in C but he did not arrive. I left by 9.15 train for Alexandria to arrange sundry ordnance matters. Hung up at Benha for four hours owing to trains not making connection. Reached Alexandria about 8 PM. Stayed at Majestic Hotel.

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

19th April 1916

General Birdwood, the Prince of Wales and Commander T.A. Bond at Serapeum.

Wednesday 19th April

With General Cox during the day. Commander in Chief attended by his staff, and General Godley with his staff, visited Serapeum. I was with General Cox and accompanied him round the various positions. The Prince of Wales was also present. The C in C seemed very pleased with his inspection generally. He is to inspect the Artillery tomorrow morning, but as we are camped some distance from the Infantry and he specially wants to see them, I think he will cut us out of his programme.

Monday, 18 April 2016

18th April 1916

Sandbagged huts as protection against gunfire, Serapeum.

Tuesday 18th April

Prepared fair copy of plan showing location of Batteries for defence of Bridge Head, and sent same to D.HQrs. Apples arrived from Hallard. Have wired for him to come and see me if possible. I should like to get him into 4th Div Arty. Rabett called re Sundry Brigade matters. Huts commenced for Head Quarters. Advice that Commander in Chief is to inspect on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday.

Sunday, 17 April 2016

17th April 1916

One of the rough wooden buildings used as a mess hut at Serapeum.

Monday 17th April

At Camp all the morning. Gen. Cox donated £ 72 for "Anzac Day" which sum will pay for trophies and 20,000 programmes. Engineers supplied part of timber for shelters at D.A.HQrs. Very hot day. Received wire from Capt. Hallard stating that two cases of Apples had been sent to Serapeum Station for me. Issued special orders re sundry matters, canteen etc. at Artillery Camp.

Saturday, 16 April 2016

16th April 1916

Looking across the Canal to the camp at Serapeum, April 1916.

Sunday 16th April

Church Service at Artillery Camp. I dealt with a great deal of correspondence etc. Lt. Rowbotham reported. Capt. Forrest returned from Cairo & Port Said. Received about 230 reinforcements for Divisional Artillery, mostly from Infantry.

Friday, 15 April 2016

15th April 1916

H.M.S. Sir Thomas Picton, a WWI Royal Navy Lord Clive-class monitor, photographed
in 1916 - Gen. Rosenthal had words with the Captain (below).
[Courtesy of Wikipedia]

Saturday 15th April

Inspected camp during morning. Made reconnaissance for gun position West of Canal at Serapeum. Wrote Capt. of "Sir Thomas Picton" re communications between him and myself. Allotted our 200 Horses at Serapeum West to various units. Maj. Vernon, Lt. Landsell and Padre Stevenson reported for duty. The latter appears a fine sensible fellow and I think should be of great assistance to us.

Thursday, 14 April 2016

14th April 1916

Men fumigating their clothes, Serapeum, 1916.

Friday 14th April

Another terrific night. Very little sleep for anybody. Tents blown down in all directions. Capt. Forrest went to Cairo to correct proofs of 4.5" Hows. drill pamphlet and Standing orders. Cols. King and Hughes came to breakfast, and we decided certain details re gun positions etc. A sharp shower laid the dust for about an hour to day. Busy in office all day.

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

13th April 1916

A sand storm blowing in over the tents at Serapeum, 1916.

Thursday 13th April

A terrific wind blowing all night. Sand flying in all directions, and to day conditions have been dreadful. Wind has gale velocity and when riding along the sand cuts ones face like glass. Received instructions re formation of Mobile column for possible advanced work, and made my arrangements accordingly.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

12th April 1916

Incinerators built of stone on sandbag foundations, by the 12th and 13th
Company Engineers, Serapeum 1916.

Wednesday 12th April

Spent the morning at Artillery Camp. New mess huts well under weigh and area generally being made clean and tidy.

Received letter from Nell from Springwood, the first for many weeks, also one from Alvord and some papers from Nell. Several new Commissions gazetted.

Monday, 11 April 2016

11th April 1916

Australian soldiers watch as a warship passes through the Suez Canal at Serapeum.

Tuesday 11th April

Met General Cox with Candidates for Commission at 11 AM. Discussed "Anzac Day" sports. Met Committee in afternoon, and finally arranged programme. Submitted same to General Cox.

Major Cockraft, Staff Officer R.A. 2nd Anzac called and stayed to lunch. Discussed sundry Artillery matters. Persuaded Gen. Cox to ask for our 20 % reinforcements to be supplied at once. Two ships with Russians soldiers from VLADIVOSTOCK passed through canal, each with about 2000 men. Their destination unknown.

Sunday, 10 April 2016

10th April 1916

The camel lines bordering the railway station at Serapeum.

Monday 10th April

Capt. Forrest in Cairo. Met Engineer officers at Artillery camp and pointed out position for mess huts, Kitchen etc. Contractors commencing work. Medical Officer (Capt. Cole) reported to 24th Bde. Major Vernon’s transfer to 4th Div Arty approved. Official papers to hand. Met "Anzac Day" Committee and got programme of events roughly drafted out. Meet Committee again tomorrow afternoon to settle details. Ought to have a good day’s sport. Col. Todd, 10th L.H. called to see me re his men transferring to Artillery.

Saturday, 9 April 2016

9th April 1916

An unidentified freighter passes through the Suez Canal, watched by a large number of
men from the 13th Battalion who are there to have a swim, April 1916 - Gen. Rosenthal
partook in in a similar dip (below).

Sunday 9th April

Very tired after yesterday train journeys. Wrote letters during the morning. Enjoyed a swim during the afternoon. Section of Field Ambulance moved to Artillery camp and pitched tents there. Specially for benefit of Artillery.

Capt. Forrest went to Cairo re How. drill pamphlets.

Appointed by Gen. Cox as president of Committee for sports for "Anzac Day".