Thursday, 31 March 2016

31st March 1916

Punt crossing the Suez Canal at Serapeum in early April 1916, where Col. Rosenthal
boarded a launch for his trip to Ismailia (below).

Friday 31st March

At 7 AM inspected Camp site. Returned to Serapeum at 9 AM, had breakfast, then with Cols. Barber and Armstrong went up to Ismailia by launch, calling at two "Posts" en route. Called at G.H.Q. E.E.F. re water difficulties at Serapeum. Returned to Tel el Kebir at 3 PM Found piles of official correspondence awaiting me, also letters from George Halford and Alice Lindsay.

Expect another 150 Horses tomorrow and also a crowd of Light Horse personnel.

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

30th March 1916

The tent lines & stables at Moascar Camp, 1916, where Lt. Col. Waite traveled
to receive instruction in the use of the 4.5 inch Howitzers (below). 

Saturday 25th March to 30th

QM work.

Had to work hard We received new men from Light Horse Units

Heard we would have to leave Tel-El Kebir & go down the canal

Thursday 30th March

Lt. Col. Waite with a party of officers and Corporal Miller proceeded to Moascar this morning for instruction on 4.5" Hows. I journeyed to Serapeum by midday train arriving there about 4 PM. Met Gen. Godley and Gen. Cox. Decided on position for Artillery Camp at Fin Goshein near Serapeum.

Gen. Cox persuaded me to stay the night at his Head Qrs. so as to be able to carefully inspect camp site tomorrow.

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

29th March 1916

The isolation camp at Moascar, the site of the training area for the 1st and 2nd
Australian and the New Zealand A Divisions, 1916.

March 29th.

Capt. T.W. Garling appointed to command 43rd. Battery

Wednesday 29th March

Visited Moascar during morning. Arranged with Gen. Johnstone re taking over New Zealand guns, and also re Col Waite and his officers being given an opportunity to see 4.5" stripped by Armament Artificers. Half his officers are to go down tomorrow and remainder on Friday. Saw Major Freeman of R.F.C. Squadron attached to Anzac, also Col. Salmond, his C.O. who Commands the wing with HQrs. at Ismailia. Arranged for co-operation between Aircraft and Artillery during our forthcoming training. Called at HQrs. Anzac. Informed we are to move to Serapeum as soon as rail Transport could be made available. Stayed to lunch with Gen. Godley.

A.I.F. troops in Cairo are to take over Tel el Kebir camp, and a good thing it will be to take them away from Cairo and its environments. By far the hottest day we have experienced in Egypt.

Monday, 28 March 2016

28th March 1916

The Australian Light Horse lines at Maadi camp in 1915 - Col. Rosenthal managed to secure
25 riding horses & 125 draught horses from the camp for use in the Artillery (below).

March 28th.

Officers transferred to 11th. F.A.B. :-

From 6th. L. H. Capt. E.D. Hordern and posted to
                                                           43rd. Battery.
From 3rd. L. H. Lt. P.A. Hockenhull and posted to
                                                           44th. Battery.
From Camel Corps. Lt. G.W. Hall and posted to 41st.
From 7th. L. H. Lieut. N. C. BELLAMY and posted to
                                                           41st. Battery.
From 7th. L. H. Lieut. H. H. McKEOWN and posted to
                                                                                               42nd. Battery.
                                    From 1st. Div.Arty. Lieut. A.G.Young and posted to

Tuesday 28th March

Gen. Cox and staff moved to Serapeum where Head Qrs. are now established. For the present our Artillery remains here, and I hope "the present" will continue till we leave for France. Trooper Green interviewed me to day re commission. I agreed to recommend him. A party from 1st B.A.C. who had been left behind sick reported to us for duty to day. Units doing good work. Exceedingly hot day.

Received 125 draught and 25 riding horses from Maadi. Quite a good lot.

Sunday, 27 March 2016

27th March 1916

A map of the Australian camp at Tel-el-Kebir, 1916 - for a larger,
legible image, [CLICK HERE].  Taken from The 28th: A Record
of War Service in the Australian Imperial Force, 1915-19, Vol. 1.
[Courtesy of Project Gutenberg]

Monday 27th March

About 1000 men and 15 officers from L.H. at Maadi arrived here last night. The quota for 4th Div. amounted to about 230 men and 7 officers, Christian getting the balance. Introduced two applicants for Commission to Gen. Cox. Discussed with him future moves of 4th Div Arty. Appointed to command at Tel el Kebir after General Cox’s departure tomorrow morning.

About 14 applications for Commission with our division (from 12th L.H.) approved by General and sent on yesterday. Col. Waite took over Command of 24th How Brigade. Received cable from Richards stating he left London on 25th via France, and asking if he could join the Division. I am very pleased to know he is returning to us. It looks as if he will be the next Bde. Major. Engineers agreed to erect Kitchen for us.

Saturday, 26 March 2016

26th March 1916

Zietoun camp, 1916 - the landing place of 200 Artillerymen shunted from Tel-el-Kebir,
much to Col. Rosenthal's relief (below).
[Courtesy of Pinterest]

Sunday 26th March

Divisional Church parade this morning, but as I had a good deal of writing to do I did not attend. Major Griffiths spoke to me over the phone from Anzac telling me Major Waites promotion was through orders. Had all Battaln Commanders of 13th Brigade to dinner with us. All old Anzac friends and in our new Division we shall again be associated. Sent 200 Artillery details to Zeitoun under Capt. Thomson. Very glad to get rid of them.

Friday, 25 March 2016

25th March 1916

Sleeping huts at Zietoun in 1916, the camp to which Col. Rosenthal hoped to send
200 recruits for the Artillery Depot (below).

March 25th.

4 men transferred from 4th. Inf. Bde.

Saturday 25th March

Received note from Gen. White this morning re Major Waites promotion. I immediately went to Ismailia, saw General White, and got the whole matter settled. Major Waite is to receive his promotion in orders tomorrow to be appointed to the Command of a Brigade. Gen. Hobbs has been trying to get Major Spurge appointed, but I managed to give such information as left Gen. White no alternative but to appoint Waite. I tried hard to arrange that 4th Div Arty should remain at Tel el Kebir. Will hear definitely in a few days.

Lt. Holdgate handed over to me from 1st Div. under arrest, pending settlement of enquiry re his conduct. Received instructions to send to Zeitoun 200 odd reinforcements for Artillery depot there. Lieut. Hobson and others gazetted.

Thursday, 24 March 2016

24th March 1916

Camels and rafts, during a trek from Tel-el-Kebir to Ismailia - Col. Rosenthal photographed
similar, with a plan of transporting the 4th & 5th Divisions to the Canal (below).

Friday 24th March

Shifted to old 3rd Brigade lines. Big day

March 24th.

Bde.Sgt. Major Hobson promoted 2nd. Lieut. and to be Orderly Officer.

Friday 24th March

Again at HQrs. 4th division re reinforcement Officers. No authority through from Anzac as to their future. Moved over on to ground latterly occupied by General Hobbs and established office. Convened Field General Court Martial re one of Col. King’s men. Heard at HQrs. that I have to take over two 18 pound How Battery at Moascar, Ismailia. At Col. Duncan’s request I put in a strong minute showing why it would be inadvisable to do so and how much better for the training of 4th Div to send guns to Tel el Kebir, allowing us to continue training here, unless tactical consideration absolutely compel us to go to the Canal. The whole of 4th and 5th Divisions are ordered to Canal, but I think the Artillery will remain here for the present.

Took photos of a huge crowd of camels here today. They are to be used in Transporting 4th & 5th Divisions to Canal.

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

23rd March 1916

Two horses pull a sled like contraption with a canvas covering, which serves as
a desert ambulance, past the tent lines at Tel-el-Kebir, 1916.


It was now a case of saying Goodbye to our old 3rd Brigade comrades who were off to France

I gathered in a lot of spoil as QM

March 23rd.

25 men transferred from 1st. Div. Artillery, 2 men from A.A.M.C. (D.A.R.O. No. 9.)

Thursday 23rd March

Called at 4th Div. H Qrs. re disposal of reinforcement personnel now in Tel el Kebir camp. Had 141 transferred to 4th Div Arty, but officers not yet transferred. With Col. Armstrong inspected Camp Sites for 12th Bde and D.A.C. Decided to put 12th Bde opposite the "Hyderabad Lancers" and the D.A.C. on ground at present held by 4th Div Arty. Paraded applicants for commissions before General Cox including Hobson. General gave all applicants a very sensible address concerning their future. Canteen contract completed with Mangerites. To open on Monday next.

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

22nd March 1916

AIF troops raise their hats and give a hearty cheer to His Royal Highness Edward
the Prince of Wales as he reviews them at a camp in Egypt, 22nd March 1916.

Wednesday 22nd March

The Prince of Wales inspected camp. He was accompanied by Gens. Birdwood, White, Cox and McKay, together with plenty of staff. He is a very shy boyish individual. Gen. Birdwood presented me to him, and I in turn presented my Brigade Commanders. Gen. Birdwood in a few nicely chosen words told of the doings of myself and Brigade Commanders at Gallipoli. Our men made a very good showing, the Prince wanting to know why they were in helmets instead of hats. The innovation is only for the summer while drill jackets are being worn.

Paid over all Brigade funds of 3rd FA Bde to Col. Burgess and received his receipt. The 3rd Brigade struck camp and departed. Col. Rabett’s Brigade (the 12th) took over all equipment etc., and as soon as the site is thoroughly "sunned", the 11th Bde will take over. Engineers are erecting meat safes for all Batteries.

Monday, 21 March 2016

21st March 1916

An Australian artillery piece in Romani, 1916, sans-sand tyres - on the 21st March,
the 11th Brigade (ex-3rd Brigade) finally received their artillery pieces from the
departing 2nd Brigade below).

Tuesday 21st March

The 2nd Brigade struck camp and left Tel el Kebir to day for Alexandria. Future destination not definitely known. Gen. Hobbs and staff also departed. Said "Good bye" to him. Howitzer Brigade took over site of 1st Brigade, 10th Brigade having yesterday taken over guns, equipment, etc. of 1st Brigade. 11th Bde. to day took over equipment of 2nd Bde and 10th Bde will occupy their vacated site. By the end of this week we should be well established in new quarters, both Brigades and also my HQrs. We have taken over General Hobbs’ site.

Gen. McKay took over command of 5th Division.

Sunday, 20 March 2016

20th March 1916

Looking out over the tents of Tel-el-Kebir camp, early 1916.

Monday 20th March

Col. Christian and myself called on Gen. Sellheim re transfer of L.H. to two new Artillery Divisions. Handed him complete nominal rolls and all papers. There should now be no further hitch. Gen. Howse told me he had 50 AMC. drivers at Tel el Kebir who desired to transfer to Artillery and asked me to take them. On return to camp at midday I found 1st Brigade getting ready to move off, and they actually left about midnight. Shooting during the day, my young officers being present. Dined with Gen. Cox. Discussed a good many details of training etc. He approved my sending in Hobson’s name for a Commission.

The Prince of Wales is to inspect the camp on Wednesday. Gen. McKay who is to command the 5th Division arrives tomorrow. Saw General Bates in Cairo regarding horses for 4th Div Arty. Not much chance at present of getting suitable type.

Saturday, 19 March 2016

19th March 1916

Overlooking the minarets of Cairo & surrounds, 1916.

Sunday 19th March

Went to Cairo by 11.30 train. Saw a number of Light Horse officers at Continental Hotel, met Christian and Rabett, and discussed arrangements re Light Horse personnel. Had a conference with about 25 L.H. officers at night. They seem a likely lot. Major Waites batman killed.

Friday, 18 March 2016

18th March 1916

Camels and rafts, with the luggage of the 12th Australian Infantry Brigade, during a trek from
Tel-el-Kebir to Ismailia - some of these men would return to the 4th Division Artillery (below).

March 18th.

The following N.C.Os. and men were transferred to 11th. F. A. Bde. from 1st. Div. Artillery 3, from 4th. Inf.Bde. 70, from 12th. Inf. Bde. 44, from 13th. Inf. Bde. 96. (D.A.R.O. No.8.)

Saturday 18th March

I hear that 1st Divisional Artillery is to move early next week, leaving all equipment behind and that we are to take over equipment, camp site etc. The 4th Div Arty are now working in groups for each Brigade and doing good work.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

17th March 1916

Appointed Staff Sergeant in the 11th Battery of the 4th Field Artillery Brigade, Herbert
William Pickett is seen above sitting astride an 18 pounder Q.F. artillery piece in Egypt
in early 1916 - the 7th Battery come 11th, of the 4th Division Artillery, were still waiting
for artillery equipment on the 17th March 1916.

Friday 17th March

Received letter from Charley. Inspected 400 men of 12th Infantry Brigade and had them transferred this afternoon. A few men reported from 1st D.A.C. Rabett returned to Cairo. Sent Col. King to Serapeum to show New Zealand and Argyleshire Artillery our forward positions selected for our Artillery. Evidently it has been decided for us to remain here to fit out & train.

We shall be well satisfied. Interviewed some very likely N.C.Os. from Light Horse who are desirous of obtaining commissions, also Lt. Copley 5th L.H. and two Infantry Subalterns.

Had copy of letter from Gen. Birdwood sent to me, showing that he has asked M.E.F. for 8 Majors or Captains for 4th & 5th Divisional Artillery. Capt. Parry Okeden ordered to return by "Demosthenes" to Australia leaving Suez on Sunday.

About 1300 men now in 4th D.A. Camp.

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

16th March 1916

As Col. Rosenthal's Officers return from Cairo after their most recent recruiting visit
amongst the Light Horse, the men of the 1st Division entrain at Cairo's Central Railway
Station for the long journey to redeployment in France - 16th March 1916.

Thursday 16th March

Forwarded list re "Anzac Book" to Capt. Bean from all units at Tel el Kebir Camp. Inspected some 200 men of Gen. Monash’s Brigade. Major Waite given leave for week and Major Rabett came down from Cairo with Lt. Sutton re Light Horse transfers etc. Discussed details fully with him. Expect to get about 1200 men from Light Horse during next few days.

Gen. Hobbs to day had a nasty fall from his horse.

Instructed Capt. Parry Okeden that HQrs. had ordered his return to Australia. He asked to be allowed to resign here, and I recommended that course to the General.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

15th March 1916

Amongst the horse lines at Tel-el-Kebir in 1916.
[Courtesy of Discovering  Anzacs]

Wednesday 15th March

Interviewed Lt. Wilson of 3rd Infantry Bde. (Training) re transfer to 4th D.A. I approved of same. Approved transfer of Lt. Beatty of Col. Glasgow’s Brigade to this Division.

Interviewed General Monash, Col. Glasfurd and Colonel Glasgow re men for 4th DA.

Monday, 14 March 2016

14th March 1916

Suez Canal defences on the east side of the canal, 9 miles from Serapeum, in February
1916 - The defenses involved an elaborate system of wired and reinforced trenches east
of the canal, behind which two battalions of infantry and artillery guarded each bridgehead.

Tuesday 14th March

Interviewed Lc. Sergt. Keene of 1st L. Horse re Commission. Approved his application. Took over plans and reconnaissance reports of Artillery positions 1st D.A. Serapeum from Major Miles, Brigade Major 1st DA.

Took over nearly 400 men from Col. Glasgow’s Infantry Brigade. Paraded before Gen. Cox with Capt. Parry Okeden regarding the latters recent questionable conduct in Cairo. General gave him another chance. Capt. Forrest in Cairo, settled up Imprest a/c 3rd FA Bde. Head Quarters. New Brigade at work sorting out suitable men for N.C.Os. and commencing training generally. Major Charley called re Command of D.A.C.

Sunday, 13 March 2016

13th March 1916

Artillerymen moving equipment at Tel-el-Kebir, March 1916.

Monday 13th March

Gen. Cox round Camp. He promised to secure for me 400 men per Infantry Brigade for transfer to Field Artillery. Instructed me to see him at 2.30 tomorrow with Capt. Parry Okeden. Col. Tunbridge appointed A.A.G, Cairo, and left camp to day. Rather strange that 2 weeks since he should have been quite suitable as a Brigade Commander for my new 12th Brigade, but when it is transferred back to 1st Division he appears to be unsuitable. Inconsistency somewhere.

Saw Smith of Light Horse candidate for Commission, also Battye and Thomson, 2nd Lieuts of 50th Battalion who desire transfer to Artillery. Received letter from Gen. White stating no more assistance can be expected from 1st Division. I shall therefore post Waite to the Command of 24th Howitzer Brigade. With this latter appointment my Brigade Commanders are complete, and a good lot they are. I will try to secure Vernon for Command of D.A.C. Then we should have a good team of C.Os. L.H. Squadron attached to 4th and 5th Divs. arrived in camp tonight.

12th March 1916

Another excerpt from The ANZAC Book, possibly written by a member of the 7th
Battery during their time at Gallipoli - Col. Rosenthal continued his task of pushing
the sale of the book amongst the men of the Australian Divisions (below).

March 12th.

Lieut. Garling promoted Captain (Temp.)

Sunday 12th March

Prepared Circular memo to send to C.Os. of all units at Tel el Kebir re Anzac BOOK. I happen to be President of the Committee. I interviewed a number of men of 4th and 13th Infantry Brigades who desire to transfer to Artillery. Arranged with the Brigadier that they should be transferred over tomorrow. The 1st Divisional Artillery had an exercise to day with personnel and guns in the field. Gen. Cox to inspect 4th DA tomorrow morning at 10 AM.