Monday, 29 February 2016

29th February 1916

The road alongside the 1st ANZAC Corps Headquarters at Ismailia, visited
by Col. Rosenthal (below). 


Capt. S.M.O'Riordan A.M.C. posted as Med.Officer.

Tuesday 29th February

Interviewed Gen. Cox re formation of new Division and obtained his consent to proceed to Ismailia to see General White and get a clear understanding regarding the whole scheme. Saw General White who approved my method of putting a trained neucleus to each Battery and Brigade. He however told me it was now decided to have 4 Battery Brigades, and in addition a 3 Battery Howitzer Brigade to each Division. The 1st Anzac is to leave very shortly, and Gen. Hobbs and Col. Johnstone are being asked if they can raise the Divisions to the new establishments without recalling the personnel just transferred to 4th and 5th Divisions. Both Gen. White and Gen. Birdwood are decidedly against the return of the personnel to the parent units, but still if time will not permit of the new establishment being raised, this personnel will possibly be asked for.

On my return to my Head Quarters I informed the Brigade Commanders confidentially of what I had heard. Our Battery numbers will now be altered, but possibly the Brigade numbers will be retained.

Gen. White informed me I may have some difficulty in securing George Halford’s appointment as A.D.C., because of his not being an Australian, but as the appointment is a personal one I think Gen. Birdwood will allow it, particularly in view of the number of officers required under the new organization. Court Martial on Capt. Parry Okeden commenced. Col. Grimwade (President) was not present at appointed time, and orderlies had to search everywhere for him. He had received no intimation of his appointment to the Court.

Sunday, 28 February 2016

28th February 1916

The garrison train arriving at Ferry Post, Ismailia, in February 1916.

Monday 28th February

Rabett called to see me re his protest against being superseded. Officers of 1st Division left for Canal Col. Tunbridge accompanying them. Waited all day for General Birdwood to inspect new Divisional Artillery. He however was kept busy with the Infantry Units and did not have time to come to our lines. He returned to Ismailia by midday train.

Saturday, 27 February 2016

27th February 1916

A typical Cairo street scene, 1916.
[Courtesy of Flicker]

Sunday 27th February

Left Cairo at 11 AM on the return journey to Tel el Kebir reaching there at 1 PM. Col. Tunbridge wrote asking permission to go to Serapeum with General Hobbs and party to see proposed Artillery position. I told him I considered he was trying to run before he had learned to walk and his place was with his unit. However I let him go.

Saw General Hobbs at night concerning the new Brigade from 1st Division. Incidentally confidentially discussed matters re supervision of Officers. Supplied Capt. Parry Okeden with charge sheet and summary of evidence re his Court Martial on Tuesday next. Wired for Major King to regain his unit.

Friday, 26 February 2016

26th February 1916

Men & Officers of the 7th Battery, 3rd Field Artillery Brigade, lined up on the Pinkenba
Wharf in Brisbane 18 months earlier in September 1914, prior to embarkation on the A22
Rangatira - some of these men, but by no means all, were lucky enough to be of rank, &
still alive, to attend the Regimental Dinner below.

Saturday 26th February

All our old 3rd Brigade Officers obtained leave and journeyed up to Cairo to have a Regimental dinner. We all assembled at 7 o’clock and had a most enjoyable evening. Excuse was found in some way or other to make every officer give a speech. We broke up at 9.30. Quite a nice little dance was in progress at the Hotel but I took no part. Had a long talk with General Howse and Colonel and Mrs. Christian.

Thursday, 25 February 2016

25th February 1916

The tent lines of the 3rd Field Ambulance, some of whom had left Australia in 1914
alongside the 7th Battery on board the A22 Rangatira, at Tel-el-Kebir in February 1916.

Friday 25th

Had to visit Supply Ordnances & Engineers for different items. Had very fatiguing day.

Feb. 25th.

4th Div.Artillery R.O. No.2 posted following temporary commands:-

11th A.F.A. Brigade:-      Major F.A. Hughes.
                                              To Command
                                        Lieut. T.W. Garling.

31st Battery:-      Capt. A.H.K.Jopp    to Command.
                            Lt. S.F.Hodgens.
                            Lt. H.P.Hare.

32nd Battery:-      Lt. J.R.Ellis    to Command.
                            Lt. A.A.Evans.
                            Lt. R.K.Pybus.

33rd Battery:-      Lt. P.J.Ross    to Command.
                            Lt. W.J.Urquhart.
                            Lt. W.C.Hely.

It was decided that the 11th Brigade should be supposed of Queenslanders excepting Officers.

Friday 25th February

Had interview with Col. Duncan re several matters concerning the new Division. Ordnance informs me it will probably be two months before we can get any equipment. We must take our turn.

Received letter from Nell dated Jan. 23rd, the first letter for some weeks. Inspected site for Head Qrs. in new 4th Division lines, but we shall not be taking up our abode there for some time.

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

24th February 1916

The Canal just beyond camp at Tel-el-Kebir, 1916.

Thursday 24th February

Balance of men from 1st Divisional Artillery reported to new Division. Called parade of 3rd F.A. Brigade at 2 o’clock, and said "good bye" to them all.

Several officers very much upset over letters received from Gen. Hobbs re their qualifications. Major Rabett lodged his complaint with the General re his being superseded. Handed over 3rd F.A. Brigade to Major Burgess and vacated my seat the head of the Mess. By courtesy of 3rd Brigade officers myself and staff are having the privilege of still messing with them till our Mess Hut arrives from England and we can get fairly established.

Brigade Major and myself allotted all men to Brigades and Batteries.

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

23rd February 1916

"ARCADIA," a poem attributed to the clever moniker "Bombardier H. E. Shell" of the
7th Battery, Australian Field Artillery - taken from The ANZAC Book, for which Col.
Rosenthal was designated President for the Committee of sale (below).

Wednesday 23rd Feb

Today I was transferred with others to form the 11th Brigade. Recommended as Q.M.S.

Feb. 23rd.

4th Div.Artillery R. O.No.1 gave constitution as under :-

10th Brigade.          11th Brigade.          12th Brigade.          D. A. C.
28th Battery.           31st Battery.           34th Battery.
29th     do                32nd    do               35th     do
30th     do                33rd    do                36th     do

Wednesday 23rd February

Promoted Colonel. Appointed as President of Committee re sale of Anzac Book, with Major Hughes 32rd Battalion and Lieut. Selwes A.F.A.

New Divisional Artillery settling down. Syllabus of Training for Officers and N.C.Os. issued to Brigade Commanders.

I am not quite happy re Col. Tunbridge’s appointment to a Brigade. He has never even Commanded a Battery.

Monday, 22 February 2016

22nd February 1916

Two men of the Indian Cavalry in Egypt, 1916 - their departure from Tel-el-Kebir
would potentially provide the Brigade with a new site (below).

Tuesday 22nd February

Unable to yet arrange with 1st D.A. to get extra personnel. Arranged for General Cox to inspect unit tomorrow at 10.30 AM. I shall then formally take over Command. Medical officers reported for new Division. Arranged for materials for mess for officers and Sergeants. Indian Cavalry will soon be moving to new position, so we shall take over their site which is much better than the one we now occupy.

21st February 1916

Monday 21st February

All new personnel for 4th Div. Artillery came into camp above 3rd Brigade lines, tents having been pitched yesterday. I am treating the whole Division as one camp. Extra officers and N.C.Os. called for from 3rd Brigade for new Division. Colonel Tunbridge reported for duty with 12th Brigade.

Saturday, 20 February 2016

20th February 1916

General (then Lieut. Col.) Charles Frederick Cox (second from left), with Officers
of the 6th Light Horse at Gallipoli - Col. Rosenthal met with General Cox, Officer Commanding the new 4th Division, in order to arrange the formation of the various
Artillery Brigades (below).
[Courtesy of Australian War Memorial - P01309.015]

Sunday 20

Rumour of new Divis of artillery forming & several appointments made.

Sunday 20th February

With General Hobbs attended at office of Major General H.V. Cox, who is to Command the new 4th Division. We discussed details re new Artillery formation, training etc. I assured General Cox that he would receive my best and most loyal service, and also that of Officers and men. Arranged with General Hobbs for leave of all old 3rd F.A. Bde. Officers for next Saturday night to attend a Regimental dinner at the Continental Hotel, Cairo.

Friday, 19 February 2016

19th February 1916

Captain Parry-Okeden referred to by Col. Rosenthal below, was Captain
Uvedale Edward Parry-Okeden, son of William Edward Parry-Okeden,
the ex-Commissioner of Police in Queensland. Captain Parry-Okeden had
been Mentioned in Despatches on the 5th November 1915 for conspicuous
gallantry on the 13th July 1915 at Gallipoli, & was also a recipient of the
Military Cross on the 8th November 1915 for distinguished service
at the Dardanelles.

Friday 11th February to 19th


Saturday 19th February

All selected officers, N.C.Os. and men for new Brigade of 4th Division paraded before General Hobbs at 9.30 AM. He explained the expansion of Artillery now going on and wished them well in their new positions. General inspected lines at 11 AM. Very satisfactory. Ordered last night by General Hobbs to place Capt. Parry Okeden under arrest and to investigate charges made against him of using obscene language and of being drunk. With Major Burgess took summary of evidence, examining many witnesses. Papers forwarded on to General Hobbs.

Thursday, 18 February 2016

18th February 1916

Equipment being moved from Tel-el-Kebir for Serapeum, February 1916.

Friday 18th February

All Brigades busy on details of new Formations. All Brigades of 1st Division are providing their quota. These were paraded (together with the officers who are to be transferred) before General Hobbs at 4.30 PM General made a short farewell speech.

17th February 1916

A group of Australian Soldiers posing within the camp at Tel-el-Kebir, 1916.
[Courtesy of Museum Victoria]

Feb. 17th.
(Lieut. Col. F. A. Hughes, 11th Aust. F.A. Brigade, 4th Aust. Division)

In accordance with A.&.N.Z. Corps Circular Memorandum No.4 dated 17/2/1916, the 4th Aust.Div. Artillery was to be raised at Tel-el-Kebir Camp.

Lieut. Col. Rosenthal C.B. to Command.

Thursday 17th February

Brigade and unit Commanders paraded to General Hobbs. He gave us details of new Divisional Artillery. I am to Command 4th Division, Col. Christian the 5th. The 3rd Brigade is not now to form a definite part of the new Division but is to be lent temporarily to assist in the Organization. Brigade Commanders have now to submit recommendations to General Hobbs for appointment of officers and promotion of N.C.Os. and presumably the new allotment of Officers, NCOs. and men will be made almost at once. I have written to George Halford offering him the appointment of A.D.C. and have also recommended Capt. Waites for Brigade Major and Lieut Forrest as Staff Captain.

Was informed this evening that recommendations for my Brigade Commanders are Major King, Major Hughes and Lt. Col. Tunbridge with the following Battery Commanders for Colonel Tunbridge:- Capt. McLaughlin, Capt. Riggall and Capt. Jopp. I expect there will be some heartburnings over the new selections and appointments. I have written to Colonel Buckley for a complete supply of military books etc.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

16th February 1916

Supply transports arriving at Serapeum, 1916.

Wednesday 16th February

General Hobbs left for Ismailia re formation of new Divisional Artilleries. Brigade on manoeuvre area. Handed in maps of Artillery dispositions at Serapeum to General Hobbs.

Monday, 15 February 2016

15th February 1916

Looking out across the tent lines of the Australian Engineers, Tel-el-Kebir.

Tuesday 15th February

Batteries on manoeuvre area all day. Generals Birdwood, Cox, Carruthers and Hobbs inspected lines. Gen. Birdwood and Cox gave me details of new 4th Division. It appears definite that my Brigade is to form the neucleus of the new 4th Divisional Artillery, so very shortly I shall have a heavy task before me, but as long as I am allowed to keep my old officers I think I shall be able to manage fairly well. Received letter from Chris (telling me he was not returning to HAYFIELD College) also papers from Nell, but still no letter. Received birthday greetings cable from Nell. Discussed new formations with General Hobbs. He desires to retain 8th Battery (W.A.) in his command, and proposes giving me the 2nd Battery (the old 44th) in exchange if Corps H Qrs. will agree. I personally do not mind, though I should very much prefer to keep my old Brigade intact. Several officers & men of 3rd Bde. mentioned in despatches.

Sunday, 14 February 2016

14th February 1916

General Cox, inspecting the 12th Brigade at Tel-el-Kebir, possibly on the same
day as the Artillery (below).

Monday 14th February

Gen. Cox who is to command 4th Division inspected camp. I did not see him. Batteries on manoeuvre area all day. Col. Heane 1st Battalion called to see me. Said Infantry Battalion had already been divided for new Divisions.

Saturday, 13 February 2016

13th February 1916

Overlooking the camp at Tel-el-Kebir.

Sunday 13th February

Church parade this morning, but I was too tired to attend. Mail received from home. Letters from Alvord and Chris, also papers from Nell but no letter. Wrote letters all day. Capt. Rogers rejoined 8th Battery after being detached for some time with a mobile Section.

12th February 1916

Egyptian Troops at the Seprapeum Railway Station, 1916.

Saturday 12th February

Again out to day. All ranges and prominent points recorded, and work completed. Lunched with General Maclagan. Also met General Birdwood at 3rd Bde. H Qrs. He expressed his pleasure at seeing me back again well and strong, and then gave me details of the proposed changes in 1st Aus Div. consequent on new Divisions being raised.

He told me I should have to command a Division of Artillery and that my Brigade would form the neucleus of the 4th Artillery Division. The new 4th Division will be commanded by General Cox, an Indian officer. Fuller details I presume we shall soon receive. We left Serapeum by train at 7.38 PM reaching Tel el Kebir about 10 PM. Our men and horses are following by a later train. A set of 6 maps of country just East of the Canal was issued to me.

Today I pass my 41st milestone. How the years do fly. General Birdwood’s information quite a nice birthday gift.

Thursday, 11 February 2016

11th February 1916

Punts crossing the Suez Canal at Ismailia, February 1916.

Friday 11th February

Out on the front line again to day. Battery Commanders finally settled and marked the position for their batteries. I made a thorough reconnaissance of country in front of position. Returned to camp at 5.30 PM.

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

10th February 1916

Watering horses at Ismailia, as Col. Rosenthal's Brigade horses were below.

Thursday 10th

Went to Cairo. Sent parcel home.

Thursday 10th February

Went out early with my officers to the Left Flank of position held by 1st Australian Division and made a general reconnaissance. Saw three deer on the journey out. We are again to work with the 3rd Infantry Brigade, and the Battalion Officers made us very welcome, giving us lunch and watering our horses. Returned to camp about 5 PM.