Tuesday, 30 June 2015

30th June 1915

The wheatfield in front of the Anzac line, taken from Major Hughes' observation
post by Captain C. E. W. Bean c. 30th June 1915.

Wednesday 30th June 

Last night it was very windy dusty & rain threatened and the Turks took advantage to make a small attack. I think what chivied them up was the fact that we had sent out several patrol parties to bring in the dead comrades who fell in the attack made on Monday last.

To-day was quiet and in the evening we had a thunderstorm accompanied by heavy rain. This is the first storm I have experienced since leaving Qld in Sept last and it brought back memories as you can understand. Most of us sat up wrapped in oil sheets while the storm lasted.

June 30 ANZAC 

Quiet.  Battery did not fire.

Wednesday 30th June 

Early this morning I went out with Major Stewart to register further targets. Aeroplane Series from Major Burgess’ Battery against Olive Grove at 7.30 AM, afterwards series with Major Browne and Caddy. Major Miles accompanied the Pilot as observer. He had one shot fired at him. Located 2 new batteries behind Achi Baba ridge firing South and reported them. Received message from 8th Division thanking for the information which they stated was very valuable. Unpleasant remarks with Mountain Battery concerning operations on June 28th. Major Burgess had another premature, making twelve in all out of 2600 rounds. Two 5" Howrs set in emplacements. Lines of fire for night work laid out on "Johnstone's Jolly" and "Lone Pine". Heavy thunderstorm tonight and heavy rifle fire. As large columns of dust were seen during the day north of Achi Baba I thought enemy might be preparing a special attack against us and therefore ordered the Artillery of my section to be in readiness. Lt Glendinning reported from Alexandria. 

A gun of Burgess' Battery which fired on Gaba Tepe and Olive Grove, covered
with bushes as a screen from aeroplanes - as mentioned by Col. Rosenthal above,
& photographed by Captain C. E. W. Bean c. 30th June 1915.

Monday, 29 June 2015

29th June 1915

View showing Bolton's Hill (where the 7th Battery were placed), Chatham's Post and
Balkan gunpits to Gaba Tepe, taken from Sniper's Ridge - one of a series of photographs
taken on the Gallipoli Peninsula under the direction of Captain C. E. W. Bean of the
Australian Historical Mission, during the months of February and March, 1919.

Tuesday 29th June 

This morning our Turkish friends could be seen working near the old Balkan Trenches (Some of which were used in the Balkan War) and are not far from our firing line. Old Pip-Squeak – a gun off gun ridge sends a few shells over every morning to our lines. All you hear is a Pip noise then a squeakish sound – hence its name.

Saw Harry Tiddy to-day & young Lieut Chambers. It is remarkable when one considers the savage unscrupulous the Germans are displaying in this great war. It seems now to speak of the wild beast at bay. To secure a quick decision he suffocates his opponents with poison gas. He endeavours to terrorise and unnerve us by dropping incendiary bombs amongst our inofensive civilian population of England. He resorts to all kinds dastardly outrages to secure the end he seeks.

From our gun pit outlook the orders of several of our men who fell yesterday can be seen on a far ridge in the deep of death. Some bodies were secured last night and as I went down from our pit after 10pm I saw them laying them away in their last resting place.

Within our battle field some have telephones water pipes and other conveniences are being added every week. The advance made by our Troops at Achi Baba is described as splendid and even better than had been hoped for.


Quiet except for a rounds of gun fire from Enemy.  At night a storm came up + Turks evidently expecting an attack blazed off a lot of ammunition 

Tuesday 29th June 

Assisting Howitzer Battery with emplacements and registration of further targets. Generally a quiet day, though at night the Turks attacked on our Left and were badly beaten off. Down South good work has been done, and advanced positions taken.


Tuesday June 29
(Captain C. E. W. Bean, Official War Correspondent)

[Extract] I went up to the H.Q. 2nd L.H. Bde on our right in order to get the complete account of yesterday's fight.  Whilst I was there Olly Hogue was going for a bathe so I went too.  went back Curious scene, all these figures there on the beach, naked, in absolute darkness.  Went back with Olly + the local Padre (who has learned to tell a good story in the dialect); + whilst I was in Olly's tent a thunderstorm which had been moving up began to break - at least a heavy wind came up.  The flap over the mouth of Olly's dugout began to flick about like a half furled sail + suddenly the Turks set up a heavy firing.  The bullets whisk into the green at the back there fairly fast.  I thought we had better go + see.  The 2nd Bde H.Q. had no news of a Turk attack so I went on to the 3rd Bde H.Q.  Col. Maclagan was there + Ross.  Ross had no doubt as to what was the matter - "It's this wind!" he said.  "They can't see through the dust + they think we're attacking.  I'll go out + tell the 12th to cheer and see what we get."  Presently he returned + at the same time there was a further outburst of Turkish firing + a machine gun began traversing over our heads backwards + forwards "That's all for headquarters!" said Ross.  "The Tasmanians of 12th think it a great game - they were delighted!"