Thursday, 30 April 2015

30th April 1915

One of the 7th Battery's guns in action on the 30th April 1915 - Major Hughes
(crouching centre) is at the range finder, & Col. Rosenthal (just left of centre) is
observing over the parapet with field-glasses.

Friday 30th

I should imagine that if we ever get back to civil life we shall all have the hump. Digging stooping down - while on your knees in every conceivable position - creeping along bent down. Our Colonel about whom I have often written has been up to his old tricks.

We built our gun pit and also a sleeping apartment with a trench leading to the pit. Our worthy Col cooly came along & took possession of the apartment & trench for himself & staff. He never asked my permission & he stopped men going out through the trench to an outpost which afforded protection in leaving the firing line. He wanted our sand bags etc [illegible]

Last night was fairly quiet & we had the opportunity of getting a little sleep.

As far as accoutrements are concerned things are a bit strained. We are even wearing Turkish items such as coats . Our trenches are some miles in length & orders are passed along etc

April 30  Friday

We continue to strengthen our trenches.  In the afternoon the enemy attacked with the bayonet we strongly shelled the attack which was repulsed.  An enemy Batty then opened on us from a concealed position S.E. of KAPA TEPE but they inflicted no damage.  Gnr Von Steiglitz wounded by rifle bullets in shoulder Fitter Price slight wounded by bullet striking his binoculars.  Only desultory rifle fire at night.

The crew of one of the 7th Battery guns adjusting & setting time-fuses
at point blank range, 30th April 1915.

Friday 30th April

Comparatively quiet morning. Col MacLagan with 3rd Infantry Brigade relieved troops on this flank. Generals Birdwood, Bridges and Walker with me inspecting position and discussing situation. This afternoon enemy again came along Contour 400 in fairly large numbers. We opened fire using about 80 rounds, getting good effect. A 6" gun opened fire on us about 5 o’clock from our Right Flank. Capt Leslie engaged it with time shrapnel, also HMS "London" but latter would not correct line. Enemy fired 4 rounds and then ceased. We had a fairly quiet night.

The casualties to date in our Brigade areas follows:-

April 25th - Fitter Legeant - 3rd B.A.C. - Shrapnel bullet through mouth.
April 26th - Gunner Eagle - 7th Battery - Bullet through leg.
April 27th - Sergt Braithwaite - 7th Battery - Bullet through left shoulder.
April 27th - Corporal Bliss - 7th Battery - Bullet over shoulder blade.
April 28th - Gunner Coleman - 3rd B.A.C. - Bullet through left thigh.
April 30th - Sergt Day - 8th Battery - Bullet through right thigh.
April 30th - Gr Steglitz - 7th Battery - Bullet through thigh.
April 30th - Fitter Price - 7th Battery - Bullet graze at eye.

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

29th April 1915

Just behind the Australian Infantry firing line, within which the 7th Battery guns
were firing - across in the distance, just below the ridgeline, one of the Turkish
trenches is visible.

Thursday 29th

After 3 days in our gun pit you can imagine the state of our apparel & person. Dirty - torn - tired etc. I lost all my blankets mess tin & kit. Everything was left down at the foot of the ridge things were taken by anyone who required them. In the mad rush that our Infantry made on the first day they dropped their kits as they went after the Turks & today several parties went out in front of our firing line & secured a number of several Turkish ones. On inspection we found that they were well equipped & did not suggest that Turkey was in any way badly off need financially. Through our glasses we could see several dead men about 200 yds in front. No one can imagine the horrors of war until they have experienced it. Today was easier for us as our firing seemed to have had good effect. The Cruisers which were helping us from the harbour put in splendid work in firing over us right on to the enemys ridge beyond. The enemys trenches were just from 500 yds to 900 yds from us but at times they moved up to 200 yds in gullys & from there continually sniping at our men with disastrous effects. The Infantry were very pleased with the work we were  doing & praised our 7th Battery in flattering terms. This afternoon we put our sentrys out so that we could get a little sleep & retire on to the beach for a wash - a luxury just now as my face had not tasted water for over 3 days. On going to the beach Bullets were flying all around me & it is remarckable how calous one gets after a few days familiarity with warfare.

The swim was very refreshing notwithstanding the bullets fell around. One man was shot while washing at the waters edge in the morning after washing I went along to the quarters where our 9th were quartered & talked to Olly G & Lieut Charlie F. I was told about half of their men were wounded or killed. Both Webbs were wounded & Vic Saunders reported as missing.

Where we landed is called Kaba Tepe.

April 29 ANZAC  Thursday

The night 28/29th was cold + raining there was some firing along our front + we shelled a place where the 4th Infantry reported the enemy were massing.  At daylight we saw enemy re-entering trenches out of which we had driven them on the previous day we put some fire in + later the Navy shelled the whole ridge 400.

During the afternoon things were quieter on our right front although firing on our centre + left was still heavy.

Thursday 29th April

Fairly steady day. "Bacchante" shelled trenches on contour 400 and did excellent shooting. Enemy preparing trenches against Left flank. Heavy cannonade of enemy’s artillery about 5.30 PM. The navy at once responded. Enemy’s battery of six field guns (about 14 ½ pr) seems to be getting plenty of shrapnel. As yet we have been unable to locate it. Adjutant taken to assist General Cunliffe Owen.

Col Hobbs and Col Christian came up this afternoon to our position. As the Turks came along Contour 400 in good number, we were able to give them an afternoon’s experience of unique character. Col Christian had a few shots with a rifle and affirms he laid out a couple of Turks. All our people very exhausted. I have had no sleep since landing. Have arranged for portion of 8th and 9th Battery personnel to take a few days on 7th Battery guns, partly to relieve the 7th personnel and partly to give them experience.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

28th April 1915

One of the 7th Battery's field guns in action, in the first days after landing - a spent
shell casing can be seen ejecting from the gun's breech, whilst the No. 4 of the crew
prepares a fresh shell for loading.

Wednesday 28th

Another day of carnage - shells - bullets & every possible instrument of death everywhere. We shelled the enemy's trenches all day with good effect. In the evening an attack was expected but it did not eventuate. I'm afraid a lot of our men fire at shadows in the evening. It was a bitterly cold night.

28th Wednesday 

At daybreak enemy were again in force on ridge 400.  Rifle fire from the enemy was continuous.  We were also sniped at from within our lines by enemy concealed in scrub on sides of ridges.  We were assisted by shell fire from the Bacchante.  During the first 3 days the Battery fired about 2000 rounds.  Owing to the continuous firing + digging in a correct record could not be obtained for each gun.

The Turks were discovered getting a gun into position on South of Cape NEBRUNESSI which would have taken our position in enfilade + in reverse.  The Navy shelled the position which they were preparing.

Wednesday 28th April

Searched gullies again just at dawn and got a good few Turks. Steady shelling all day. Repeating previous days’ work. Twice during the night shelled massing Infantry. We have fired about 1800 rounds to date. In view of our peculiar position, having 187° of open country to watch, I have an officer fighting each gun singly, so that fire can be directed on any point at a second’s notice.

This is giving splendid experience to No 1 and section Commanders.